• Wednesday 19 Oct 2016
  • Strengthening urban-rural linkages through Integrated Territorial Development

    Networking Events
    Venue: R8
    Lead Organization:
    • Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Germany; Communitas Coalition (co-Organizers).
    Partner Organizations:
    • Based In Germany UNHABITAT (United Nations Human Settlements Programme),
    • Based In Nagoya,
    • Based In Nairobi United Nations Centre For Regional Development (UNCRD),
    • City And Territory),
    • Colombia ICLEI,
    • Federal Ministry For Economic Cooperation And Development (BMZ),
    • Germany Government Of Colombia (National Planning Department,
    • Japan,
    • Local Governments For Sustainability,
    • Ministry Of Foreign Affairs,
    • Ministry Of Housing.

    Urbanization transcends administrative boundaries. Migration flows, urban and rural living conditions disparities, environmental impacts, climate change and limited natural resources call for a paradigm shift from the urban-rural dichotomy towards an integrated approach based on the interdependency of places. Well-planned and managed urban-rural linkages that “leave no one and no place behind” can contribute to sustainable urban development with social, economic and environmental opportunities for all urban, peri-urban and rural inhabitants. Multidimensional strategies are needed to integrate spaces, sectors and actors. Integrated territorial development (ITD) considers functional linkages and spatial interactions. It also fosters cooperation and coherence across government levels and beyond administrative boundaries. Moreover, ITD encourages inclusive decision making for public policies and investments.
    An integrated approach to urban and territorial development that strengthens urban-rural linkages is central to the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs), as well as to the New Urban Agenda (NUA). Key instruments at different levels – such as national urban policies or the the international Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning - that promote improved governance structures, capacity development and knowledge generation – must enable especially local governments and civil society to adequately master the challenges of inclusive and sustainable urban development with cross-spatial and cross-sectoral solutions.
    This networking event will convene representatives from national and local governments, community and professional organizations, as well as development agencies, to share concrete experiences by city-regions for implementing ITD. We will focus on the fields of infrastructure development and natural resource management, climate change mitigation and resilience, adequate housing and public spaces, and food and nutrition security. We will emphasise:
    (i) the enabling conditions for integrated approaches to inclusive and sustainable urban and territorial development, and (ii) the implications for legal and institutional frameworks, financing instruments, participatory planning and management tools, and implementation and monitoring mechanisms at the national and subnational levels.