Red Alerta – Ciudades Inteligentes? Red de Seguridad Ciudadana Masiva
Side Events Venue: R13- Simauxcorp S.A..
RED ALERTA constitutes a service which will include towns in a context of Smart City for citizen security.These are framed in the types of projects that ONU considers to have top priority: 1. Security promotion 2. Effective participation of people in the Citizen Security 3. Technology to allow communication of family emergencies to private circles of people ( relatives, friends, and community). RED ALERTA is an innovative proposal which allows citizen inclusion in the formation of private network of people, who participate, monitor and assist their members in emergencies caused by delinquency, fires, medical urgencies, natural disasters, or any other type; and that jointed with the estate’s institutions responsible for the assistance (911, Police, Firefighters, Red Cross, Community Alert Networks, etc.), can facilitate the activities and responsibilities of the state, guarantee an effective, efficient, and immediate response, lowering the panic sensation, increasing the perception of citizen security and giving the highest assistance to the citizen members of the private networks of people. Besides, due to the weakness of countries and cities that lack integrated systems of assistance to the citizen, RED ALERTA constitutes the fitting technological instrument to assist these governments in the development of these systems in a short term, and massive way for the citizens, and at a low cost. RED ALERTA will promote and encourage in citizens the use of new technologies, allowing the countries to upturn their indicators of technology capacity, such as: 1. – Decrease of technological illiteracy, 2. – Increase in the technology capacity of a country (Connectivity infrastructure of the states). RED ALERTA will generate an increase in the citizen interrelationship, improving the indicators of citizen security and assistance of the state.