RE-energising Cities: Renewable Energy in Urban Settings
Parallel Events Venue: Escuela Politecnica NacionalOrganized by the governments of Ecuador, Germany and the United Arab Emirates, and the International Renewable Energy Agency, the High Level Forum "RE-energising Cities" will capitalise on Habitat III as a unique gathering of urban stakeholders to drive the next step-change in the transition to a sustainable urban energy future. The business case for renewables is stronger than ever thanks to ongoing, dramatic cost declines in renewable energy technology. The forum will showcase the innovative and transformative ways that cities can benefit from this trend and contribute to the ongoing energy transition. It will share cutting-edge information, highlight examples of successful policy frameworks and other best practice, and discuss priority areas for action to capitalise on the opportunities renewables present in three key sectors: transport, buildings and power generation. (for registration and detailed programme, see
Outcome document here.