• Monday 17 Oct 2016
  • National Planning and Multi-Level Governance in Ecuador

    Side Events
    Venue: R4
    Lead Organization:
    • SENPLADES Ecuador.
    Partner Organizations:
    • Ministerio Coordinador De Desarrollo Social,
    • Ministerio De Inclusión Economica Y Social,
    • Vicepresidencia De La Republica.

    Ecuadorian representatives from the Academy and the Government will present their regard about National Planning and Multi-Level Governance in Ecuador. They will have a constructive discussion which will analyze the main challenges to create a strong multi-level organization in our country. Through the legal framework in Ecuador, the National Decentralized System of Participative Planning proposes an institutional and technical structure in the planning cycle for development ends. This National Planning System and its instruments are a complete source of strategic lineaments, which generates public policies for all the State structure, including local governments.