Innovation with purpose: Urban transformations for the construction of more equitable cities in Latin America
Networking Events Venue: Room 3- Fundacion Avina.
- Huairou Commission Red LACRE (Red De Recicladores De Latinoamérica Y El Caribe) Social Progress Imperative CAMMINA (Alianza Para Las Migraciones En Centroamérica Y México) Lima Cómo Vamos Confederación Latinoamericana De Organizaciones Comunitarias De Servicios De Agua Y Saneamiento (CLOCSAS) Advanced Innovation Centre- AIC.
Latin America is simultaneously the most urbanized and the most inequitable region in the world. High inequality levels are evident in the region’s cities, and often contrast with the dynamism that makes them productivity, knowledge and innovation centers. Other problems such as poverty, environmental degradation and climate change only exacerbate the challenge posed by inequality, calling for innovative solutions and policies that guarantee social progress and equity, while respecting nature’s limits. This requires a new approach to sustainable urban development: one that gives purpose to innovation and that promotes collaborative processes and citizen participation. This event will showcase some of the most successful urban transformation experiences in the region, providing evidence around the power of combining social, technological, business and political innovation in urban contexts. It will provide concrete examples from agendas like migration, urban resilience, inclusive recycling, gender, impact business and civic technologies. The session will explore the contribution that innovation with purpose can make to the New Urban Agenda and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, with a focus on regional and global partnerships for urban development. Speakers will include representatives from the public and private sectors, grassroots organizations, local governments and NGOs. The event will start with an overview of current trends and perspectives around inequality in Latin American cities, followed by a “talk show” that will present the different experiences/perspectives and public policy recommendations for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.