• Thursday 20 Oct 2016
  • Green Building Strategies for Sustainable Urban Development

    Side Events
    Venue: R20
    Lead Organization:
    • Korea Institute Of Civil Engineering And Buildign Technology (KICT) Korea Institute Of Civil Engineering And Buildign Technology (KICT).
    Partner Organizations:
    • Korea Ministry Of Land,
    • Infrastructure And Transport (MOLIT),
    • Korea Land & Housing Corporation(LH),
    • Korea Energy Agency(KEA),
    • CABR(China Academy Of Building Research),
    • Thailand MOE(Ministry Of Energy),
    • BRE From The UK.

    This event will give a presentation on green building strategies for sustainable urban development, along with an open discussion about green building policy, technology, and strategy for sustainable urban development. 
    In the present cities, it is an important issue of sustainable urban development keeping from being devastated built environment with rapid urban growth and unemployment due to continuous world economic crisis. Today, urban areas have been coexistent with old and new buildings.
    Not only (Zero/Passive) Green Building but also Green remodeling of old buildings could provide us with new opportunities for creating employment as well as reducing building energy use and green gas emission with respect to the 2030 Agenda for suastainable development of the Paris Climate Agreement and the New Urban Agenda.
    This event hosted by KICT will present green building strategies for sustainable urban development coexistent with old and new buildings, along with an open discussion, including: 1) (Zero/Passive) Green Building Technology, Green remodeling technology and expected outcomes, 2) International green building certification tools (e.g., BREEAM or EPI) for sustainable urban development. 3) Strengthen of international collaboration for the realization of Green future in old city.