Eastern European Urban Transformation
Training Events Venue: R19- Federal Ministry For The Environment Nature Conservation Building And Nuclear Safety Germany.
- Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
- Bernhard Müller Director Of The Leibnitz Institute Of Ecological Urban And Regional Development And Professor At The Technical University Of Dresden
- Dr. Oliver Weigel
- Gunter Adler State Secretary Federal Ministry Of The Environment Building Nature Conservation And Nuclear Safety (BMUB) Germany
- Vitali Klitschko Mayor City Of Kiev Ukraine
- Werner Spec Lord Mayor City Of Ludwigsburg Germany
Transformation processes of cities can be linked to a range of causes and corresponding approaches. In the 1990s, Ukrainian cities transformed after independence from the Soviet Union and East German cities faced radical transformation after reunification. In Romania, a transition towards democracy took place following the 1989 Romanian Revolution. Cities and their citizens had to adapt to new social forms and adopt new urban governance systems in a very short time span. Not only a country’s political past shapes urban transformation; cities are subject to an array of economic, social and environmental challenges. Today, global challenges like climate change, urbanisation, migration or scarce resources exacerbate the need for a strategic approach to urban development. Also finding institutional models to manage urban transformation is key to shaping resilient cities. But how can cities incorporate global challenges like climate change in their local needs and ensure a human-centred urban development? Successful urban transformation requires holistic strategies and coordinated action by all actors and institutions involved in the urban development process in line with the principles of the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities and the New Urban Agenda in order to create truly integrated and multi-functional cities. Cities around the world must not focus on individual policy aspects but instead bring together and negotiate between multiple interests in order to be fit for the future.
This training event will offer a space for policymakers responsible for urban policy and city-level urban practitioners to interact with and learn from representatives from other countries that have experiences in managing urban transformation. Based on common challenges, the event intends to provide for building cooperation among policymakers and urban practitioners to make development accessible to all.
No pre-registration required