Cultural Heritage and Creativity as a Driver for Urban Social Cohesion, Inclusion and Equity
Side Events Venue: R5- International Council Of Monuments And Sites (ICOMOS).
Panel discussion with presentations of case studies illustrating projects, tools, instruments, and guidelines for action. “The Cultural Heritage Counts for Europe Project and Historic Cities" by Dr.-Ing. Claus-Peter Echter, Secretary General ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Historic Cities and Villages; Vice-President, EUROPA NOSTRA Germany. “A Clear Connection: Heritage and Creative Industries,” by Mr. Donovan Rypkema, Heritage Strategies International; Expert Member, ICOMOS International committee on Economics of Conservation; Washington, DC. “Participatory heritage management for sustainable tourism in Turkey: some recent case studies,” by Dr. A. Ege Yildirim, Heritage Planner, ICOMOS Turkey; Istanbul, Turkey. “Vernacular heritage as a driver for sustainable development of rural creative entrepreneurship: case study Kikinda Dray Mill in Serbia” by Ms. Hristina Mikic, Creative Economy Group Foundation Serbia.
“Ciudad del Saber: Gestión del Paisaje Histórico Urbano en la Ciudad de México” by Dra. Graciela Mota, Presidenta Consejo Directivo, ICOMOS Mexicano. “El Corazon de San Antonio: Uniting a World Heritage City through Participatory Engagement “ by Shanon Miller, Director and Historic Preservation Officer, City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation & Colleen Swain, World Heritage Director, City of San Antonio; Claudia Guerra, Cultural Historian, City of San Antonio, Texas, USA. "Intermediary Cities: Culture as the resource for local economic development in the territory-The example of Cehfchaouen” by Mohamed Sefiani, Mayor of the City of Chefchaouen, Morocco. “Preventive conservation of heritage as a stimulus for the cohesion of society in both cities and towns: The case of southern Ecuador” by Professors Fausto Cardoso Martínez and Veronica Heras Barro, Faculty of Architecture, University of Cuenca.
“Expanding the Socio-economic Potential of Cultural Heritage inCaribbean Cities and Towns” by Ms. Celia Toppin, Project Manager
(Cultural Heritage), Organization of American States (OAS).