Boosting Urban Climate Action
Side Events Venue: R20
Lead Organization:
- Climate Action Implementation Facility (CAIF) Freie Universität Berlin Wuppertal Institute For Climate Environment And Energy.
Partner Organizations:
- Climate Action Implementation Facility (CAIF),
- Environment And Energy,
- Freie Universität Berlin,
- German Association Of Cities (Städtetag),
- Urban Mobility SOLUTIONS Network And SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN Project,
- Wuppertal Institute For Climate.
Contributing to climate change mitigation, limiting warming to 1.5°C and enabling society to adapt to environmental and climate change is vital for cities around the world. Sharing knowledge on technology and policy options to decarbonise the global economy, is vital for delivering on the New Urban Agenda and this event will show-case some of this work. This event is part a joint initiative and aims to showcase international activities in the areas of sustainable urban development, energy, mobility and climate change mitigation. The partnership that will be launched will focus on closing the implementation gap between applied research and policy action to foster sustainable development around the world.