• Thursday 20 Oct 2016
  • Capacity Building for the New Urban Agenda: Roles of Universities

    Side Events
    Venue: R12
    Lead Organization:
    • Global Planning Education Association Network (GPEAN).
    Partner Organizations:
    • Cities Alliance,
    • Lincoln Institute of Land Policy,
    • UN-Habitat.

    This event will highlight the potential for universities to assist in achieving the New Urban Agenda, while identifying changes needed in order for universities to achieve this potential. These objectives build upon the work of the UN-Habitat University Network Initiative, recommendations of the 2009 Global Report on Human Settlements and the 2016 World Cities Report, as well as proposals coming from the Academic and Researchers Partner Constituency Group of the General Assembly of Partners (GAP) for Habitat III. World Cities Report 2016 makes clear that capacity building is essential to the successful implementation of the New Urban Agenda. Many countries lack sufficient numbers of trained urban professionals, including planners, engineers, architects, policy analysts, and managers. University programs are essential to increasing these numbers, but are themselves short of knowledge of current best practices, suggesting that capacity building must also involve increases in university academic staff and resources for knowledge building through research and networking. Capacity building needs also include data resources and training of stakeholders involved in urban development, needs which universities can also help address. Panelists in the event will outline how universities might best contribute to these needs and to give examples of successful university programs that have advanced sustainable development. They will also identify barriers to successful contributions by universities and to suggest promising changes to overcome these barriers. Emphasis will be given to interventions that can be implemented by institutions in developing countries or by multinational networks of institutions and professional associations.