Achieving Sustainable New Town Development in Developing Countries (Open)
Parallel Events Venue: R14 Casa De La Cultura- International New Town Institute,
- Korean Land and Housing Institute (LHI),
- United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).
Over the past decade, new town development in developing countries has grown exponentially. More and more governments are using the new town as a way to accommodate the increasing urban population moving from rural areas and resolve the overcrowded metropolitan cities’ problems by decentralizing existing cities’ function and employment facilities. But, wrong location, lower densities and absence of efficient public transportation plans shown in some new towns cause criticism by increasing living costs and exacerbating social segregation. Nevertheless, lack of attention and public debate initiated by international organizations keep regenerating same problems in other places. Therefore, development of a policy guide, which is in accordance with new urban agenda, is essentially required through global discussion. The seminar, Pre-Quito event, will be the best opportunity for discussion about direction of New Town development and a policy guide development. The policy guide will be developed from a policy makers’ point of view and used for assistance in decision-making of following policy makers and stakeholders.
• National Governments & Local Authorities (regional, metropolitan, city)
• Civil Society and its associations including business community
• Planning Professionals and their associations
• Developers and investors