Third Preparatory Committee comes to a close in Surabaya with strong progress towards adoption of New Urban Agenda

Surabaya, Indonesia, 28 July 2016
The third session of the Preparatory Committee of Habitat III (PrepCom3) in Surabaya, Indonesia, made strong progress towards the adoption of the New Urban Agenda in Quito. In three intensive days of negotiations, delegates from member states discussed the crucial points of this agenda on sustainable urbanisation.
During the Welcoming Ceremony of PrepCom3, Muhammad Jusuf Kalla, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, sent out a strong call for people-centred cities: “There are three important things to be highlighted in relation to cities. They are people, people, and people. We are now living in an urbanized world where 54% population of people live in the city. Cities are made for people and by people. This is the place for us. We grow up in cities. We meet each other in cities, and cities happened because of us.”
Dr. Basuki Hadimuljono, Minister of Public Works and Housing of the Republic of Indonesia, highlighted the importance of including a wide range of stakeholders in the process, saying that the government will no longer be the only institution in charge of the development of urban areas and settlements. He cited how there has been a global shift of government’s role from being a top-down regulator into being a facilitator of the development for all stakeholders, including communities and the private sector.
PrepCom3 put the city of Surabaya in the global spotlight of sustainable urbanisation for three days. In 27 parallel events and 39 side events, United Nations member states, representatives from intergovernmental organisations and local and regional governments, and stakeholders discussed how a new model of urban development would be able to integrate all facets of sustainable development to promote equity, welfare, and shared prosperity.
The important role of PrepCom3 as the key arena for member states to discuss the New Urban Agenda before the Habitat III Conference in Quito was also reflected in an extraordinary high turnout. A total of 4,248 from 142 different countries were registered during the three days of the meeting.
“We thank the city of Surabaya and the country of Indonesia for their great hospitality and a magnificent welcoming,” said Dr. Joan Clos, Secretary General of the Habitat III Conference. “The cooperation and mutual spirit with the local government of Surabaya, its Mayor Ms. Tri Rismaharini, and with the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, headed by Minister Dr. Basuki Hadimuljono, provided a solid ground for the intense work done here. All governments and stakeholders involved in the Habitat III process will work intensively in the next months to secure a successful adoption of the New Urban Agenda in October. I am looking forward to meeting you all in Quito!”