Urban Youth Assembly
Jakarta - Indonesia
Oct 18, 2015 – Jakarta, Indonesia.
Organized by: Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum Dan Perumahan Rakyat
Partner Organizations: Asian Development Bank, UN Major Group For Children And Youth, UN-Habitat.
As an official side event of the 6th Asia-Pacific Urban Forum (APUF-6) in Jakarta, Indonesia, the Asia-Pacific Urban Youth Assembly at APUF-6 (APUFY) held between 17-18 October 2015, provided a regional platform for Asia-Pacific’s youth to articulate urban issues and solutions impacting their lives and communities.
As the first gathering of diverse organizations and groups representing over 300 young people from 31 different countries in discussions of urban agenda at the regional level, APUFY offered a step towards strengthening constructive partnership with youth as key stakeholders in issues facing Asia-Pacific cities.