Urban Talk – The Social Dimension of Sustainable Urban Development
Stockholm - Sweden
Organized by the Habitat III Secretariat, in collaboration with the Global Utmaning. September 28, 2016
Kulturhuset Stadsteatern Sergels torg 103
The Social Dimension of Sustainable Urban Development
5:00 p.m.
Welcome and Moderation
Ms. Birgitta Egnlin, Senior Adviser, Global Challenge
5:05 p.m.
Key Note
HE Mr Peter Eriksson, Minister for Housing and Digitalization of Sweden
5:15 p.m.
Policy – Globally and in Sweden
Mr. Thomas Melin, Sida
Ms. Lise Bergh, Save the Children
Ms. Anna Heide, Swedish Association of Public Housing Companies
Mr. Thibaut Nguyen, Habitat III Secretariat
5:45 p.m.
Panel 2 : Implementation – How do we build a socially sustainable city ?
Ms. Boel Godner, Mayor of Södertälje
Ms. Ronak Moaf Mirlashari, president Streetgäris (tbc)
Ms. Maj Pettersson, MPower Fryshuset
Ms. Emilia Hallin, architect Sweco
6:15 p.m. Open Debate