North America: Urban Challenges and Sustainable Development
New York - United States of America
Organized by the Habitat III Secretariat in collaboration with Ford Foundation May 19, 2016
East River Room
Ford Foundation building, 320 E 43rd Street, New York
North America: urban challenges and sustainable development
8:00 am Registration
8:45 am
Opening Remarks by Jacqueline Burton (Program Associate, Equitable Development, Ford Foundation)
Opening Remarks by Dr. Joan Clos (Secretary-General of the Habitat III Conference)
8:50 am
Discussion by:
Moderator: Shelley Poticha, Urban Solutions at NRDC
- Harriet Tregoning, Assistant Secretary, US HUD
- H. E. Mayor Berry Vrbanovic, Mayor of Kitchener
- Alaina Beverly, University of Chicago / also Representing the Habitat 3 National Committee
9:20 am Discussion and questions from the audience
9:45 am Closing Remarks by the Habitat III Secretariat and Ford Foundation
9:50 am End of the breakfast