Latin America-the Caribbean: Urban Challenges & Sustainable Development
New York - United States of America
Organized by the Habitat III Secretariat in collaboration with Ford Foundation December 17, 2015 Latin American and the Caribbean: urban challenges and sustainable development
8:00 am Registration
8:30 am Introduction by the Habitat III Secretariat and the Ford Foundation
8:35 am
Opening of the presentations
Moderator: Ana Marie Argilagos, Ford Foundation Speakers: A maximum of 5 speakers with 5 min presentations
- Permanent Representative of the Republic of Ecuador
- Member of the Habitat III Bureau of the Preparatory Committee from Chile
- Permanent Representative of Mexico
- Representative from CARICOM
- Representative from the General Assembly of Partners
9:00 am Discussion and questions from the audience
9:25 am Closing remarks by the Habitat III Secretariat
9:30 am End of the breakfast