Financing Urban Development in the Context of the New Urban Agenda
Lilongwe - Malawi
Organized by the Habitat III Secretariat in collaboration with the Government of Malawi and UNDP.
3 October, 2016
7:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Bingu International Conference Centre
Financing Urban Development in the context of the New Urban Agenda
7:30 a.m. Registration and Breakfast
8:20 a.m.
Keynote Speeches
Charles Vintula, Public Relations Officer, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development
Keynote Speakers:
Ms. Mia Seppo, UN Resident Coordinator, Malawi
Mr. Roi Chiti, Habitat III secretariat
Mrs. Ivy J. Luhanga, Principal Secretary for Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Malawi
Hon. Atupele Muluzi, M.P. Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Malawi
9:20 a.m.
Open Discussion Session
9:50 a.m.
Councillor Noel Chalamanda, Mayor for Blantyre City Council.
Chancellor Kaferapanjira, Chief Executive, Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Idrissa Mwale, Deputy Director, Economic Planning and Development, Malawi.
10:30 a.m. Open Discussion Session
11:30 a.m. Closing remarks