Europe: Urban Challenges and Sustainable Development
New York - United States of America
Organized by the Habitat III Secretariat in collaboration with Ford Foundation April 21, 2016
Ford Foundation building, 320 E 43rd Street, New York
Europe: urban challenges and sustainable development
8:00 am Registration
8:30 am
Introduction by the Ford Foundation and the Habitat III Secretariat
Don Chen, Ford Foundation
Dr. Joan Clos, Secretary-General of Habitat III
8:45 am
Presentations by
Moderator (TBC)
- Mr. Jens Aerts, Partner BUUR, Bureau for Urbanism and Guest Professor at The Cosmopolis Centre for Urban Research at the Department of Geography of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- H. E. Kees Rade, Director Inclusive Green Growth, Ambassador Sustainable Development, The Netherlands
- Ms. Maryse Gautier, Co-Chair of the Preparatory Committee of Habitat III
- H.E. Joao Pedro de Almeida, Ambassador, Head of the Delegation of the European Union
9:10 am Discussion and questions from the audience
9:40 am Closing remarks by the Habitat III Secretariat and Ford Foundation
9:45 am End of the breakfast