On World Cities Day local governments move towards the New Urban Agenda

New York, 30 October 2015
31 October is World Cities Day, markig the second year of the global celebration. The Day is expected to greatly promote the international community’s interest in global urbanization, push forward cooperation among countries in meeting opportunities and addressing challenges of urbanization, and contributing to sustainable urban development around the world.
World Cities Day 2015 and its theme “Designed to Live Together” promotes togetherness and harmony, making our cities and neighbourhoods inclusive and livable.
In the celebrations of the World Cities Day, local and regional governments around the world launched a joint-message –Local Governments moving towards the New Urban Agenda- recognizing the opportunity to transform cities into inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable places as they work together towards Habitat III and the New Urban Agenda.
The World Cities Day was celebrated for the first time last in Shanghai after the decision by the United Nations Assembly to establish this international observance as one of the legacies of Expo 2010 Shanghai.
The World Cities Day will be the culmination of the Urban October, a month started with the World Habitat Day and has allowed all the actors to reflect on the urban future and all the opportunities to create a new and transformative urban agenda.
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