At Habitat III, a Rethinking of the Urban Development Paradigm
United States of America
The concept of “value capture” surfaces as a possible path to more equitable growth.
United States of America
The concept of “value capture” surfaces as a possible path to more equitable growth.
In an open letter, the mayors of Paris, Madrid, and Barcelona argue that urban areas should get more federal resources— [...]
Durante los próximos días, casi 50,000 alcaldes, ministros, legisladores, y urbanistas se congregarán en la ciudad que tien [...]
A beginner’s guide to what will take place at the United Nations conference, and why it matters for the [...]
United States of America
The UN summit, coming in October, happens only every 20 years and aims to chart the path of global cities in [...]
United States of America
Good news if you’re already a homeowner: Housing prices “accelerated” in the first quarter of 2015, according to the National [...]