Subject Index Of The New Urban Agenda
This subject index contains key concepts from the New Urban Agenda and their corresponding paragraph numbers Download Subject Index
academia. See also community, scientific and academic;
institutions, academic; research; science
and cooperation with local government associations
on capacity development, 149
and inputs to the report on the implementation of the
New Urban Agenda, 167
and work in shaping organizational and institutional
governance processes, 148
access. See also accessibility
for youth to education, 61
to a wide range of affordable, sustainable housing
options, 107
to different multilateral funds, 143
to economic and productive resources and
opportunities, 14(b), 56, 57, 59, 70
to energy, 121
to infrastructure and basic services for all, 14(a), 85
to products and services, 114(d)
to public participation, 14(a)
to public property and land, 138
to public services and clean environment, 55
to quality basic services and public spaces for all, 99
to resources for urban development, 132
to risk transfer mechanisms, 139
to science, technology and innovation, 126
to sustainable, affordable, adequate, resilient and safe
housing, 95, 109. See also adequate housing
to sustainable waste management systems, 122
to the physical environment of cities for persons with
disabilities, 36
to urban and mobility and land and sea transport
systems for all, 114
to urban metropolitan services, 156
to water, public goods and services, 13(a)
to water, sanitation and hygiene, 119, 120
accessibility. See also access
and housing, 111
of urban mobility and transport 115, 118
of urban space, 25
accountability. See also transparency
and anti-corruption measures, 138
contractual relationships between local governments
and transport and mobility service providers, 116
in expenditure control instruments of subnational and
local governments, 138
in institutions that deal with land registration and
governance, 104
mechanisms, 91
of finance mechanisms, 86
of partnerships, 126, 141
of stakeholders and definition and implementation of
urban policies and legislation, 15(b)
of UN-Habitat, 172
to citizens and transparency, 161
capacity development of subnational and local
governments in, 151
digitalization of accounting processes and records, 151
actors, 9, 141, 144, 146
non-governmental, 103. See also civil society;
non-State, 160
adaptation. See also mitigation
and cultural heritage, 125
ecosystem-based, 80
planning process, 80
plans, policies, programmes and actions, 80, 143
to climate change, 13(g), 63, 79, 101, 143
Adaptation Fund, 143
Addis Ababa Action Agenda, 6, 150
means of implementation, 127
adequate housing. See also affordable housing; housing
access to, 14(a), 95, 109
and regulations in the housing sector, 111
provision of, 32
right to, 13(a), 31, 105
supply of, 33
administration (administrative)
and land, 156
boundaries, 13(e)
capacity, 151
frameworks and procedures, 153
scales of political administration, 88
structures, 91
systems, 35
tasks, 96
and awareness-raising activities, 169
of youth to advocate on behalf of themselves and
their communities, 61
affordability (affordable). See also affordable housing
access to sustainable physical and social
infrastructure for all, 34
cities and human settlements, 11
land and sea transport systems, 114
of basic physical and social infrastructure, 34, 54
of drinking water and sanitation, 13(a), 119, 120
of food losses reduction, 123
of housing finance, 46, 140
of infrastructure for public transport, 114(a)
of modern and renewable energy, 34, 54, 75, 121
of serviced land, 34, 114
of urban mobility, 114
affordable housing. See also adequate housing; housing
access to, 34, 95, 107, 109
and housing finance, 46, 140
and social habitat production, 46
investment in, 140
public resources for, 106
provision of, 14(a), 32, 99
supply of, 33
African countries, 19
age/ageing. See also children and youth; older persons
ageing factor as an opportunity, 62
and data collection, 104, 157, 159
age-responsive. See also age
budgeting, 151
housing policies, 32
integrated approaches to urban development, 15(c),
26, 92, 101
land tenure, 35
resilience policies and plans, 77, 101
stakeholders’ dialogue, 42
urban mobility and transport, 13(f), 114
agglomeration. See also compactness
benefits of, 14(b), 44
economies of, 51, 98
policies, 123
urban agriculture and farming, 95
AIDS, 14(a). See also HIV/AIDS
and short-lived climate pollutants, 71
pollution, 54, 64, 65, 119
quality, 13(a), 55, 67
transport, 118
anti-corruption measures. See also accountability;
in financial planning and management of subnational
and local governments, 151
preventive, 138
areas. See also coastal areas; peri-urban areas; rural
areas; urban areas
affected by urban violence, 99
built-up, 98
central and consolidated areas of cities, 106
environmentally sensitive, 68
functional, 32, 47, 88
metropolitan, 116
multifunctional areas for social interaction and
inclusion, 37
risk-prone, 77
waterfront, 37
arts, 38. See also culture
performing, 60
assets, 59, 144
cultural, 48
migrant, 48
of subnational and local governments, 148, 149,
163, 169
authorities. See local authorities
awareness. See also advocacy
on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda, 169
on road safety, 113
public awareness of risks, 78
checks and balances, 15(c)(ii)
bank/s. See also finance; financial institutions
development, 139
microfinance, 140
regional development, 82, 140, 142
barriers (physical), 34. See also accessibility
basic services
access to, 14(a), 99, 109
challenge of, 2
environmentally sound, 65
guidelines, 85
local level, 70
management of, 91
provision of, 25, 29, 70
Beijing Platform for Action, 6. See also gender; gender-
responsive; women; women and girls
best practices, 81, 137, 154, 173
biodiversity, 13(h), 14(c), 63
administrative, 88, 90
cross-border synergies and interactions of urban and
rural areas, 96
municipal, 139
administrative, 13(e)
urban, 63
boys, 61. See also age; children and youth; youth
execution, 138
capacity development on, 151
participation on, 92
“build back better”, 78
building/s. See also building codes; construction; housing
commercial, 121
design, 44, 101
energy efficient, 75, 121
high quality, 97
industrial, 121
investments in, 144
public, 121
residential, 121
resilience-based and climate-effective
design of, 79, 101
resilient/resilience, 14(c), 76, 78, 111
building codes, 111, 121, 124
business, 133. See also enterprise/s; investment/s; private
investment/s; private sector
and local communities, 58
enabling environment, 45, 53, 58
responsible, 58
on land-use, 111
cadastres, 104, 134. See also censuses; local data
capacity development. See also training
among all levels of government, 81
and local government associations as promoters and
providers of, 149
as a means of the New Urban Agenda
implementation, 15(c), 126
for stakeholders and institutions, 147
for water and sanitation utilities, 120
on financial planning and management for sub-
national and local governments, 151
on governance processes for persons in vulnerable
situation, 155
on information and communications technologies and
digital governance, 156
on legal land-based revenue and financing tools, 152
UN-Habitat capacity development provision, 129
cost of, 139
formation, 46
political declarations and charters, 11
Charter of the United Nations, 12, 84
hazardous chemicals, 71, 123
child. See also children and youth
and healthy journey to school, 113
marriage, 39
newborn child mortality, 55
children. See child; children and youth
children and youth. See also age; age-responsive; boys;
and access to information and communication
technologies, 156
and decision-making, 148
and discrimination, 20
and governance processes, 155
and revenue collection, 134
and road safety, 113
and service provision, 34
and stakeholders’ dialogue interfaces, 42
and violence, 39
censuses, 159. See also data
urban, 64, 136
city/ies. See also cities and human settlements; towns;
urban areas; villages
and adequate infrastructure, 106
and climate change, 63
and cultural diversity, 10
and demographic trends, 63
and food security and nutrition systems, 95
and movement of populations, 28
and their surroundings, peri-urban and rural areas, 50
central and consolidated areas of, 106
challenges of, 28
city-level, 80
city-region, 96
city-to-city cooperation, 146
coastal cities, 114(c). See also coastal areas
for all, 11, 16
host cities, 28
liveable, 67, 114(d)
of all sizes, 16
physical environment of, 36
positive contribution of migrants to, 28
resilience to disasters and climate change, 67
right to the city, 11
smart-city, 66
small and intermediate, 95
World Cities Day, 169
cities and human settlements. See also city/ies; peri-urban
areas; rural areas; slums and informal settlements; urban areas
a global people-based definition of, 158
and access for persons with disabilities, 36
and building integrated systems of, 15(c)(i), 49
and climate change, 79
and culture and respect for diversity and equality, 26, 40
and disaster risk reduction, 144
and economic exclusion and spatial segregation, 2
and employment, 56, 57
and energy costs, 54
and equal opportunities, 43
and rights, 12
and equal use and enjoyment of, 11
and key role as drivers of sustainable development, 22
and land, 69
and mobility, 114
and natural and cultural heritage, 38
and natural resources, 65
and production and consumption patterns, 63
and productivity, 61
and promotion of institutional, political, legal and
financial mechanisms, 41
and readdressing the way we plan, finance, develop,
govern and manage, 5, 15(a)
and resilience, 77
inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, 9
just, safe, healthy, accessible, affordable, resilient and
sustainable, 11
safe, healthy, inclusive and secure environment in, 39
citizens. See also civil society; community/ies; inhabitants
accountability to, 161
and culture/cultural diversity, 10
mobilize and generate support from, 169
citizenship (civic/civil), 38
civic responsibility, 156
civil/civic engagement, 13(b), 41
civil society, 1. See also General Assembly of Partners;
partnerships; stakeholders
and mobilization and support to the implementation of
the New Urban Agenda, 169
and partnerships with all levels of governments, 91,
92, 126, 148, 149
and resilient urban services during armed conflicts, 30
and the report on the implementation of the New
Urban Agenda, 167
and urban economic development, 48
contributions of, 15(b)
climate, 144. See also climate change; environment
pollutants, 71
resilient infrastructure, 119
vulnerability, 80
local climate action, 79
climate change, 10, 63, 79. See also climate; environment;
global average temperature
and disaster risk reduction and management, 13(g),
14 (c), 101
and resilience, 67
and resources, 143
and role and expertise of UN-Habitat, 165
and sustainable consumption and production
patterns, 10
and transport, 115
communities and countries vulnerable to, 29, 64
Climate Investment Funds, 143
coastal (areas/cities). See also delta; land-sea; oceans; sea
and mobility and transport, 114(c)
and sea level rise, 64
and their ecological and social function, 69
and waste management, 74
as ecosystems’ providers of resources, 68
management policies and culture, 124
of buildings, 111, 121, 124
of energy infrastructure, 121
coexistence. See society/ies
commerce, 95, 100
communications. See information and communications
community/ies, 1
and advocacy, 61
and crisis affected persons, 29
and cultural heritage, 125
and employment and livelihoods, 57
and housing and land policies, 107
and housing policies, 31
and infrastructure and service provision, 34
and investment generation, 29
and partnerships with all levels of governments, 91
and service delivery, 99
and stakeholders dialogue interface, 42
and urban and territorial planning, 72
and urban safety, 103
and vulnerability and risk reduction, 77
community-based monitoring processes, 159
community-collected data, 157
energy plans, 121
empowerment of, 26
land trusts, 107
local business communities’ challenges, 58
local communities’ discrimination, 20
marginalized, 33
not-for-profit communities initiatives, 100
scientific and academic, 1. See also academia
compactness. See also density
and land use, 69
and urban extensions, 51, 69, 98
and urban planning and design, 51, 98
to prevent urban sprawl, 69
competitiveness (of urban economies), 14(b), 56
competitive advantages (of urban economies), 45
concrete, 76. See also materials
conflict/s, 78
armed, 30
countries in situation of, 19
post-conflict countries, 19
prevention and mediation, 109
congestion (of traffic), 54, 118
connectivity, 37, 54, 98, 114(c), 118. See also mobility
territorial, 50
of ecosystem, 71
of endemic species, 67
of energy, 75
of heritage, 60
of water resources, 73
construction. See also building/s
climate-effective design of, 101
materials, 76
modes, 75
resilience-based, 101
consumers, 123
consumption, 137. See also consumption and production
patterns of land
consumption and production patterns
and change to sustainable patterns, 13(h)
and climate change, 10
and energy, 14(c), 75
and land, 69
and urban agriculture and farming, 95
and urban economy, 45
unsustainable, 63
contingency procedure, 101. See also risk
across sectors, 101
agencies, 140, 142
among all levels of government and stakeholders,
15(c)(i), 21, 47, 87, 92
among different scales of cities and human
settlements, 95
enhanced cooperation and knowledge exchange, 150
inter-municipal, 96, 149
international, 28, 81, 126
North-South, South-South and triangular regional and
international, 146
subnational, decentralized and city-to-city, 146
cooperatives. See also enterprise/s
and affordable housing, 140
support to, 58
co-provision and co-production, 41
efficiency and the urban form, 44
of inefficient mobility, 54
reduction of energy supply costs, 54, 75
reduction of service delivery costs per capita, 98
countries, 17,132, 145, 166. See also developed
countries; developing countries; least developed countries; middle-income countries
and territories under foreign occupation, 19
in situations of conflict, 19
countries’ national legislations, 90
post-conflict, 19
creativity, 133. See also innovation
creditworthiness (local), 139
and public spaces, 100
prevention of, 103
humanitarian, 29
cultural heritage. See also culture/s
and endogenous potential of, 45
and leveraging of, 38, 125
and urban plans and strategies, 124
intangible, 124, 125
preserving, 97
promotion and dissemination of, 125
tangible, 124, 125
culture/s. See also cultural heritage; diversity
access to, 34
and infrastructure, 38, 119
and integration of marginalized communities, 33
and new sustainable consumption and production
patterns, 10
as a component of urban plans and strategies, 124
associations (cultural), 48
contributions of, 28
development (cultural), 4
dimensions, 111
diversity, 10, 37
expressions (cultural), 13(b), 37
factors, 103
indigenous, 38
industries (cultural), 60
interactions (cultural), 2
intercultural, 40
multicultural, 40
promotion of, 26
role in development, 10
cycling. See also mobility; public spaces
and health, 100
and public transport, 114(a)
infrastructure, 118
lanes, 37
mobility, 113
data. See also information and communications
accessible data solutions, 92
analysis, 157, 159
and land-use policies, 104
and statistical capacities, 158
collection, 158, 159
data-informed disaster risk reduction, 77
local, 158, 159
management, 116
on spending, 136
open, 158, 168
platforms, 160
reliable disaggregated, 104, 111, 157
sources, 158
management, 90
municipal debt market, 139
sustainability of, 143
decentralization, 89, 130. See also municipal finance;
municipal level; principle of subsidiarity; subnational and local governments
International Guidelines on Decentralization and
Strengthening of Local Authorities, 85
decision-makers (decision-making). See also policy makers
effective participation in decision-making, 155
government’s empowerment as, 89
women and girls participation in decision-making, 13(c)
environmental, 3
delta/s (of rivers). See also coastal areas; land-sea;
oceans; sea
regions, 64
urban, 68
demographic dividend, 61
density/ies. See also compactness; connectivity; sprawl
adequate, 69
and connectivity, 98
and economies of scale and agglomeration, 98
and land use, 69
and urban planning and design, 51, 52
to prevent urban sprawl, 69
developed countries, 25
developing countries
and financial support, 142
and means of implementation, 126
and poverty, 25
and road safety, 113
and unilateral economic, financial or trade measures, 84
and urban centres, 64
and urban development challenges, 19
development. See also economic development; integrated
urban and territorial development; territorial
development; urban development
banks, 82
equitable regional, 49
human, 37
industrial development and sustainable consumption
and production, 45
integrated development strategies, 86, 105
international migration and, 28
mixed-income, 106
of adequate and enforceable regulations, 111
of capacity, 15(c), 126, 129,
of clear, transparent and accountable contractual
relationships, 116
of disaster risk reduction strategies, 65
of housing policies, 108
of housing policies and approaches, 32
of infrastructure, 77, 96
of policies concerning public security and crime, 103
of sustainable and resilient buildings, 76
of urban spatial frameworks, 51
partners, 82
permits, 111
policies, 25, 103, 107, 124
skills development and employment, 61
spatial, 52, 72, 81, 92
sustainable, 15(a), 22, 127, 128
transit-oriented, 114(b)
urban and rural, 26, 82
and natural resources and land, 51
and social cohesion, 25
and training, 102
and urban and territorial planning, 15(c)(iii)
and urban extensions, 52
building, 44
climate-effective, 101
compact, 52
across levels of government and functional areas and
relevant stakeholders, 47
among subnational and local governments and
stakeholders, 42
and public space, 37
for stakeholders engagement in governance
processes, 155
intercultural dialogue, 40
digitalization. See also technology
and smart-city, 66
of accounting processes and records, 151
dignity, 40
and data disaggregation, 104, 157, 159
disaster/s. See also disaster risk reduction
and resilience, 67
and vulnerable communities, 29
natural and human-made, 19, 63, 78
post-disaster recovery, 78
solutions to disaster risk, 144
vulnerable to, 29, 64
water related, 119
disaster risk reduction, 13(g), 14(c). See also Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030
and age- and gender-responsive planning processes, 101
and data, 77
and management of natural resources, 65
and the role and expertise of UN-Habitat, 165
discrimination. See also harassment; violence
addressing all forms of, 20, 26
and access to sustainable basic physical and social
infrastructure, 34
and dialogue opportunities from subnational and
local governments, 42
and gender equality, 13(c)
and right to adequate housing, 13(a), 31
and safety, 14(a)
non-discrimination principle, 11, 89, 126, 155
disease/s. See also health
prevention of non-communicable, 113
vector-borne, 64
displacement, 107, 111, 114(b). See also evictions
dissemination. See also awareness
of data, 157, 159
of knowledge, 125
of the economy, 60
and housing, 99
and social cohesion, 40
cultural, 10, 14(a)
of people and cultures, 37
of seeds, 123
respect for, 26
drainage, 119
drought/s. See also climate change; disasters; hazard/s;
water; weather
risks, 67
vulnerability to, 64
dwellers. See slum and informal settlement dwellers
earthquake/s. See also disaster; hazard/s
vulnerability to, 64
economic growth
and employment, 43, 62
and smart-city, 66
and social inclusion, 15(c)(ii)
and urban freight planning, 114(d)
and urban form, 44
and urbanization, 4, 13(d), 43, 44
promotion of, 5
sustainable, 44, 66
sustained and inclusive, 4
sustained, inclusive and sustainable, 5, 13(d),
15 (c)(ii), 43, 62
Economic and Social Council, 168
economic development, 48, 65
local, 47
economy, 115. See also urban economy
circular, 71
competitive, 94
formal, 13(d), 59
global, 63
informal, 13(d), 59
of scale and agglomeration, 44
solidarity, 58
urban, 14(b), 40, 44, 56
ecosystem/s, 13(h), 63. See also environment; nature
and clean energy, 14(c)
and land, 69
and management of resources, 65, 71
and resilience, 77, 80
and urban deltas, 68
education, 2, 13, 14(a). See also knowledge; learning
and access to physical and social infrastructure, 34
and economic productivity, 56
and housing policies, 32, 108
and persons with disabilities, 36
and youth, 61
of e-governance and information and communication
technologies, 156, 160
of energy, 44, 75, 121
of mobility, 118
of resources, 13(d), 51, 75, 76, 111
of UN-Habitat, 172
emissions. See also greenhouse gas emissions
black carbon, 75
employment. See also job; work
and housing policies, 32, 46, 108
and youth, 61
full and productive, 14(b), 43, 56, 57
empowerment of women, 5, 35. See also gender; women;
women and girls
affordable, 54, 75
and food policies, 123
and proximity of resources, 70
and quality services, 13(a)
and sectoral policies coherence, 88
and sustainable management of resources, 71
and waste conversion, 74
clean, 14(c), 66
efficiency, 44, 111, 121
efficiency labelling, 121
modern, 34, 121
reliable, 121
renewable, 34, 44, 54, 75, 121
engagement. See citizenship (civic/civil); civil society;
partnerships; stakeholders
enterprise/s. See also business; private sector
local level, 58
micro-, small and medium-sized, 58
support to, 58
entrepreneurship, 40, 58. See also business; innovation
environment, 39. See also climate change; environmental
sustainability; Global Environment Facility; nature; Rio
Declaration on Environment and Development
and integrated planning, 94
and land tenure, 35
and sectorial policies, 88
and the implementation of the New Urban Agenda,
126, 130
and transport, 115
and urban freight planning and logistics, 114(d)
clean, 55
for businesses, 45, 58
physical environment of cities (access for persons
with disabilities), 36
protection of, 5
environmental sustainability, 14 (c), 50, 51, 58, 71. See
also climate change; environment
epidemics, 14(a). See also health
and legal and policy frameworks, 89
and partnerships, 126
and respect for diversity, 26
and spatial organization, 25
gender, 5, 13(c), 40
equal rights and opportunities, 12, 14(a), 43
ethnicity, 42, 104, 157, 159. See also race
evacuation procedures, 101. See also risk
of policy and planning processes, 92
of public policies for sustainable urban development, 147
of urban and metropolitan transport schemes, 115
of urban planning, 94
evictions. See also displacements
arbitrary forced evictions, 31, 107, 111
exclusion. See also discrimination; segregation
preventing, 108
social and economic, 3
of subnational and local governments, 135, 138
expertise, 157
of UN-Habitat, 165
extension. See urban extension
extremism, 103. See also terrorism
education and health, 36, 56
public, 101, 36
recycling, 76
social, 55
family/ies. See also children and youth; gender
friendly for, 13(b)
planning, 34
small-scale, 95
smallholder, 20
farming, 95. See also agriculture; farmer/s
female genital mutilation, 39. See also gender; girls; women
and girls
finance, 15(a). See also bank/s; financial institutions;
development, 140, 142
housing, 46, 140
infrastructure, 143
international public, 145
land-based, 137
mechanisms, 86
municipal, 15(c)(iv)
financial institutions. See also bank/s; finance; financing
catalytic financial instruments, 143
conditions for urban development, 132
cost of inefficient mobility, 54
distribution of financial resources, 136
financial or trade measures, 84
instruments, 143
intermediaries, 139
international system, 133
local, 143
management capacities, 131
means of implementation, 130
mechanisms, 41
multilateral, 82, 140, 142
partnerships, 153
planning and management, 151
resources, 109, 126
systems, 104
transfers, 135
frameworks, 15(c)(iv), 130
instruments, 118
models, 107
of urban waste management systems, 122
pooled financing mechanisms, 139
reliable financing mechanisms, 90
tools, 152
urban, 139
urbanization, 131, 139
fiscal decentralization, 130
fiscal policies, 137
fiscal sustainability, 143
fiscal systems, 15(iv), 137
flood/flooding, 64, 67. See also disaster
follow-up and review of the New Urban Agenda
and data collection, 158
and linkages with the follow-up and review of the
2030 Agenda, 164, 168
and local governments, 163, 169
and the role of UN-Habitat, 171
periodic, 161
voluntary, country-led, open, inclusive, multilevel,
participatory and transparent, 162
food, 34, 70, 71. See also farmer/s; food security
marketing of, 123
policies, 123
system planning, 51
waste and losses, 123
food security, 2, 13(a), 14(a). See also farmer/s; food
and agriculture policies, 123
and public spaces, 67
and urban deltas, 68
and urban and territorial planning strategies, 88,
95, 123
foreign direct investment, 133
forests, 71. See also ecosystem/s; environment
forum. See high-level political forum; World Urban Forum
freedoms, fundamental, 12, 26
freight, 13(f), 114(d)
adaptation fund, 143
Climate Investment Fund, 143
Green Climate Fund, 143
regional, national, subnational and local development
funds, 139
transport infrastructure and service funds, 141
gardens, 37. See also parks; public spaces
gender. See also empowerment of women; gender-
responsive; women; women and girls
equality, 5, 13(c), 40
gender-based violence, 100
gender-responsive. See also gender; women; women and
budgeting, 151
housing policies, 32
integrated approaches to urban development, 15(c),
26, 92, 101
land tenure, 35
resilience policies and plans, 77, 101
stakeholders’ dialogue, 42
urban mobility and transport, 13(f), 114
General Assembly. See United Nations, General Assembly; General Assembly of Partners, 128
gentrification, 97. See also displacement
geospatial information, 156, 160
girls, 61. See also children and youth; women and girls;
global (level). See also global, regional, national, subnational and local levels
and follow-up to and review of the New Urban
Agenda, 161
and migration, 28
and partnerships, 149
average temperature, 79
commitments to sustainable urban development, 9
economy, 63
implementation at the, 16, 17, 126
people-based definition of cities and human
settlements, 158
value chains and markets, 95
global, regional, national, subnational and local levels
actions and coordination, 9, 16
and means of implementation, 126
and migration, 28
global average temperature. See also climate change
above pre-industrial levels, 79
Global Environment Facility, 143
Global Land Tool Network, 128
Goal 11. See Sustainable Development Goals
goods. See also freight
and mobility, 13(f)
local provision of, 70
public, 13(a)
governance, 104, 147. See also governments; policy/ies
citizen-centric digital governance tools, 156
e-governance, 160
evidence-based, 159
metropolitan, 90
multilevel, 90
processes, 148, 155
structure of UN-Habitat, 172(b)
tools, 156
urban, 15(c)(ii)
governments. See also local governments; national
governments; national, subnational and local
governments; subnational and local governments
and capacity development, 81
and implementation of national urban policies, 89
and partnerships, 92, 126
and resilient urban services during armed conflicts, 30
e-government, 156. See also governance
green areas. See gardens; parks; public spaces
Green Climate Fund, 143
greenhouse gas, 65, 71, 75, 79, 101. See also climate
change; emissions
growth. See also economic growth
and job creation, 133
equitable among regions across the urban-rural
continuum, 96
inclusive, 133
air quality, 55
International Guidelines on Access to Basic Services
for All, 85
International Guidelines on Decentralization and
Strengthening of Local Authorities, 85
International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial
Planning, 93
planning guidelines for multi-stakeholder
partnerships, 153
zoning, 124
habitat/s. See also UN-Habitat
natural, 13(h)
social production of, 31, 46
Habitat I. See United Nations Conferences on Human
Habitat II. See United Nations Conferences on Human
Habitat III, 1, 174
legacy of, 128
Habitat IV, 174
harassment. See also gender; violence
against women, 13(c)
sexual, 100
hazard/s, 78, 122
chemicals, 71, 123
effects of, 77
natural and human-made, 13(g), 64, 65
health, 2, 5, 13(a), 14(a), 88. See also disease/s;
health care; well-being
and adequate service provision, 119
and food policies, 123
and housing, 108, 111
and journey to school, 113
and public spaces, 37
and transport and transit systems, 118
and promotion of walkability and cycling, 100
facilities, 36
mental, 67
physical and mental, 67
public, 54, 75, 115
health care, 34. See also health
health-care sector, 32
(sexual and reproductive) health-care services, 55
heat. See also weather
island, 54
waves, 64, 67
heritage. See also cultural heritage
conservation of, 60
natural, 38
high-level political forum, 168
HIV/AIDS, 20. See also AIDS
homeless persons/people. See also homelessness;
evictions; communities, marginalized
and the right to adequate housing for all, 31
and discrimination, 20
living conditions of, 33
socioeconomic and cultural integration of, 33
homelessness, 111. See also evictions
criminalization of, 33, 108
households, 67, 77, 134, 139, 159
housing, 2, 36, 119. See also affordable housing, housing
accessible, 32, 33
affordable, 14(a), 34, 99, 109
analysis of housing supply and demand, 111
co-housing, 107
finance, 46, 140
housing-first programmes, 108
incremental, 107, 140
mass housing development, 112
mixed-income housing, 114(b)
price records, 104
right to adequate housing,13(a), 31, 105
schemes, 112
stock, 77
sustainable, affordable, adequate, resilient and safe, 95
well-connected, 32
well-distributed, 112
well-located, 32, 112
housing policies, 106, 108
and age- and gender-responsive, 32
and the right to adequate housing, 31, 105
and urban an territorial planning strategies, 88
humanization (of cities), 26
human rights, 26, 28, 126, 155, 158
international human rights treaties, 12
human settlements. See cities and human settlements
hunger. See also food security; nutrition; poverty
end, 5, 123
hygiene, 119, 120. See also health
implementation. See means of implementation; United
Nations system
and transition from informal to formal economy, 59
performance-based incentives, 135
income, 46. See also low-income groups
and data collection, 104, 157, 159
and housing options for different income groups, 33
income-earning opportunities (access to), 56, 57
middle-income countries, 19
mixed-income development, 106
mixed-income housing, 114(b)
security, 59
indigenous peoples, 1. See also local communities
and cultures and languages, 38
and dissemination of knowledge, 125
and protection of traditional expressions and
languages, 125
contributions of, 42
discrimination of, 20, 134
empowerment of, 155
engagement of, 125
participation of, 1, 48, 148, 155
potential of, 57
rights and needs of, 34
strengthen skills and abilities of, 155
creative, 60
cultural, 60
decreasing, 136
eliminating, 120
growing, 3, 25
reduce, 5
infill. See also density
and planned urban extensions, 97, 51
informal economy, 13(d), 58, 59
informal local markets and commerce, 100
informal settlements, 27, 54, 77. See also slum and
informal settlement dwellers ; slums and informal settlements;
information and communications technology/ies. See also
consultations; data; governance, e-governance;
innovation; participation; technology
accessible to the public, 156
access to, 34, 36
development of national policies, 156
use of, 92, 160
infrastructure, 2, 25, 65, 114(a), 121. See also basic
services; transport infrastructure, pedestrian infrastructure
accessible, 52, 119
and best practices, 137
and drivers of cost and resource efficiencies, 44
and land in central and consolidated areas of cities, 106
and strengthening the resilience of cities and human
settlements, 77
climate finance infrastructure solutions, 143
communication, 50
cultural infrastructures, 38
cycling, 118
development and management of, 91
mobility, 118
physical and social, 14(a), 34
providing access to, 95
quality services, 13(a)
resilience-based and climate-effective design, 101
resilient, 45
social, 55
sustainable regional infrastructure projects, 96
territorial, 141
urban, 120, 144
well-connected, 52
inhabitants, 11, 13(b), 27. See also citizens; population/s
and climate change adaptation and mitigation, 64, 79
and participatory approaches, 97
and resilience, 80
and risk management, 78
and service provision, 70
and smart-city approach, 66
urban, 3, 80
innovation/s. See also creativity; research; technology
and business environment, 45, 58, 133
and cooperation on science and technology, 150
as means of implementation, 126
leveraging the benefits of, 14(b)
nature-based innovation (in urban and territorial
planning and policies), 157
promotion of, 60
strengthen of, 40
technological innovations (for planning and
governance tools), 94, 156
technology-based innovations in transport and transit
systems, 118
intermediate cities, 95. See also cities and human
institutions, 15(c)(ii), 77, 104, 147
academic, 48. See also academia
financial, 82, 140, 142, 143
insurance and reinsurance, 144
local, 40, 47
research, 148, 149
integrated urban and territorial development, 13(e), 15(a),
43, 86, 101
and different scales of cities and human settlements, 95
and infrastructure, 119
across levels of government and functional areas, 47
in the urban space, 14(a)
of “build back better" principles in post-disaster
recovery, 78
of food security and nutrition in urban and territorial
planning, 123
of new neighborhoods into the urban fabric, 52
resource allocation and spatial integration, 136
social integration sectors, 32
socioeconomic integration and housing, 33
among urban areas and with their rural
surroundings, 50, 96
intergenerational, 13(b)
social and cultural, 2, 13(b), 95
intimidation, 39. See also violence
investment/s. See also Climate Investment Funds;
foreign direct investment; private investment/s; public
adequate, 38, 119
age-responsive, 13(f)
and catalyzing effects, 132
and growth and job creation, 133
and quality public spaces, 53
and responsible business environment, 58
and value capturing, 137
gender-responsive, 13(f)
in communities, 29
local, 138
on cultural infrastructure and knowledge, 38
on infrastructure, social and basic services, 29, 119
on risk prevention and resilience, 78
on urban and metropolitan infrastructure, 144
on urban mobility, 13(f)
Istanbul, 3, 6, 7
Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed
Countries for the Decade 2011-2020, 6. See also least
developed countries
job/s, 114(b), 133. See also employment; work
decent jobs, 2
and productive, 60
creation of, 14(b)
new, 62, 75
knowledge, 56, 117, 125, 157, 159, 160. See also
academia; community, scientific and academic; data; institutions, academic; research
exchange, 150
knowledge-sharing, 126
normative knowledge of UN-Habitat, 129
traditional, 38
labour force, 56. See also employment; trade unions; work/
land, 71, 76, 105, 138. See also land use
administration and management, 156
and the use of public resources, 106
community land trusts, 107
continuum of land and property rights, 35
ecological function of, 13(a), 69
inventory, 104
land-based finance, 137
land-based revenue, 152
market regulations, 137
registration, 104
serviced, 34
social function of, 69
speculation, 14(b), 137
tenure, 14(b), 35
value, 104, 137, 152
land-sea. See also sea
accessible transport systems, 114
connections, 50
landfills, 74
landlocked developing countries, 6, 19
landscapes, 124. See also heritage
urban, 67
land use
and sectoral policies, 88
and land-based finance, 137
by-laws and ordinances, 111
ecological and social function of land, 69
efficient and sustainable, 98
sustainable, 14(c)
sustainable management, 49, 51, 104
transport and land-use planning, 114(c)
languages. See also culture; heritage
promote and safeguard indigenous, 38
protection of traditional, 125
humanitarian, 30
international, 12, 84
leadership. See also empowerment of women
of women and girls, 13(c), 90
learning. See also education; knowledge
peer-to-peer, 149
mutual, 146, 162
least developed countries, 6, 19
leave no one behind, 14(a)
legal barriers, 34
legal frameworks, 89, 90, 139
legal mechanisms, 41
legal requirements, 104
and local governments’ administrative and
management structure, 91
and partnerships’ support, 21
and road safety, 113
and sustainable urban development, 15(b)
and the New Urban Agenda implementation, 17
and the New Urban Agenda implementation progress
report, 167
and the “right to the city”, 11
and the social production of habitat, 31
and the strengthening of subnational and local
governments’ capacity, 90
and the transition to the formal economy, 59
life. See also quality of life
urban, 28, 39
livelihoods, 13(a), 45, 59. See also employment
livability, 14(a), 40, 114(d)
living conditions. See also quality of life
of homeless people, 33
of slum and informal-settlement dwellers, 110
local authorities. See also local governments; municipal
(level); subnational and local governments
and capacity development for risk reduction and
response plans, 101
and decentralization, 85
and evidence-based and practical guidance for the
implementation of the New Urban Agenda, 128
and migration, 28
and resilience, 77
local communities. See also indigenous peoples
and access to infrastructure, 34
and capacity development, 148
and cultural heritage, 125
and developing local solutions for crisis-affected
persons in urban settings, 29
and employment, 57
and governance processes, 155
and revenue base, 134
and stakeholders’ dialogue interface, 42
and prevention of violence, 103
discrimination of, 20
participation of, 1
local governments. See also governments; local authorities;
subnational and local governments
administrative and management structures of, 91
and contractual relationships with transport and
mobility providers, 116
and involvement in national consultations, 149
and land inventory information, 104
and urban economy, 48
and women’s participation and decision-making, 90
as active partners in the follow-up and review of the
New Urban Agenda, 163
associations, 148, 149, 169
local level, 163. See also global, regional, national,
subnational and local levels; national, subnational and local levels; subnational and local levels
of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 9
and data collection, 104, 157, 159
geographic location, 104, 157, 159
of public facilities, 101
of UN-Habitat headquarters, 170
low-income groups. See also poverty
and housing needs, 112
and housing supply, 31, 107
major groups, 128, 162. See also General Assembly of
Partners; stakeholders
malaria, 14(a). See also disease; health
malnutrition, 123. See also food security; hunger; poverty
and financial transfer from national to subnational and
local governments, 135
normative and operational mandate of
UN-Habitat, 172(a)
of UN-Habitat, 165
mapping, 159
marginalization, 52
markets, 95, 100
municipal debt, 139
early, 39
forced, 39
materials, 70, 71, 76
means of implementation,
of the New Urban Agenda, 81, 126, 130
of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and
the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, 127
men, 42, 61. See also boys; gender; gender-responsive;
metals, 76. See also materials
metropolitan level. See also local authorities; peri-urban
areas; subnational and local governments; urban areas
access to services, 156
administrative tasks, 96
governance, 90
investments in infrastructure, 144
territorial planning, 96
transport and mobility plans, 117
transport and mobility services, 116
transport schemes, 115
middle-income countries, 19
migrants. See also migration, refugees
and discrimination, 20, 42, 57
and respect of human rights, 28
associations, 48
positive contribution of, 28
rights and needs of, 34
workers, 59
migration. See also migrants
international, 28
policies, 28
safe, orderly and regular, 28
status, 42
and data collection, 104, 157, 159
and discrimination, 20
Millennium Development Goals, 3
Millennium declaration, 12
minerals, 76. See also materials
financial risk mitigation mechanisms, 139, 145
of climate change, 13(g), 63, 79, 101, 143
plans, policies, programmes and actions, 143
mix. See also income, mixed-; mixed uses
of jobs and services, 114(b)
social, 99
mixed uses, 51, 98
mobility. See also connectivity; transport; transport
infrastructure; transport systems
access for all, 13(a), 34, 114
age-responsive, 13(f)
and connectivity, 50
and road safety, 113
challenges, 98
cycling, 113
gender-responsive, 13(f)
inefficient, 54
infrastructure and systems, 118
options, 114
plans/planning, 113, 114, 114(c), 117, 119
policies, 88, 116
services, 116
mobilization, 128, 169
of resources, 126, 132, 145
moneylenders and microfinance banks, 140. See also
community-based monitoring processes, 159
of slums and informal settlements, 110
processes of subnational and local governments, 151
monuments. See also heritage
architectural, 125
mortality (child and maternal), 55
motorcycle. See also road safety
safety and deaths, 113
multi-stakeholder partnerships. See partnerships
multilateralism (multilateral). See also Multilateral
Investment Guarantee Agency
environmental agreements, 82
financial institutions, 82, 140, 142
funds, 143
organizations and processes, 167
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, 139
multilevel consultation mechanisms, 87
municipal (level). See also decentralization; local
authorities; local governments; local level; subnational and local governments
administrative tasks, 96
inter-municipal cooperation, 96, 149
municipal finance. See also fiscal decentralization
and local fiscal systems, 15(c)(iv)
and municipal borrowing, 139
and municipal debt markets, 139
strengthen of, 15(c)(iv)
museums, 38
mutilation. See female genital mutilation
national, subnational, and local levels. See also global,
regional, national, subnational and local levels
and housing, 46, 111
and natural and cultural heritage, 38
and policy frameworks, 81
and transport, 115, 117
and urban planning and design training, 102
contributions to the follow-up and review of the New
Urban Agenda, 162
strengthening data and statistical capacities at the, 158
natural resources, 2, 49
management of, 65, 88
use of, 51, 76, 98
nature. See also ecosystem/s; environment
harmony with, 14(c)
nature-based innovations, 157
nature-based solutions, 101
neighborhoods, 52
accessible local markets and commerce, 95
co-production, 154
of practitioners, 149
of streets and public spaces, 67, 100
technology and communication, 50
noise, 54, 67, 71
non-discrimination, 89, 126
non-governmental (actors and organizations), 29, 103. See
also civil society
not-for-profit (community initiatives), 100. See also civil
society; non-governmental (actors and organizations)
nutrition, 13(a), 88. See also food, security; hunger;
enhancing, 14(a)
improving, 67
nutritional needs, 123
systems, 95
human rights, 158
mutual, 116
occupation. See also territory/ies
under foreign, 19
oceans, 71. See also coastal areas; sea
official development assistance, 145
older persons. See also age; age-responsive
and access to information and communications
technologies, 156
and decision making, 148
and discrimination, 20
and governance processes, 155
and revenue collection, 134
and road safety, 113
and service provision, 34
and stakeholders’ dialogue interfaces, 42
open defecation, 119. See also sanitation
ordinances, 111
principle of national ownership, 132
sense of, 13(b)
paints and coatings
lead-additive-free, 76
paradigm shift (urban), 15, 24
parks, 37. See also public spaces
Paris Agreement, 6, 79. See also climate change
parliamentarians, 1. See also decision-makers (decision
-making); policy makers
participation, 1, 9, 114, 155, 156
and cultural heritage, 125
of communities and stakeholders, 26, 31, 41, 48, 72
of financial institutions, 140
of homeless people, 33
of women, 90, 13(c)
of youth, 61
political, 13(b)
public, 14(a), 138
social, 38
partnerships, 21, 126, 154, 162, 169
and UN-Habitat work, 172(c)
multi-stakeholder, 15(c)(i), 153
subject-matter-related, 149
urban rural, 96
passengers, 13(f). See also transport systems
pattern/s. See consumption and production patterns
peace (peaceful), 13 (b), 37, 40
pedestrian infrastructures, 118. See also public spaces;
safety, pedestrian; sidewalks; walkability
peer learning, 149. See also knowledge; learning
people, 13(f), 43, 100, 112, 160. See also indigenous
peoples; homeless persons/people; persons in
vulnerable situations; persons with disabilities
dignity of all people, 40
diversity of people and cultures, 37
energy and transport needs, 54
living in slums, 110
people-based definition of cities and human
settlements, 158
people-centered, 15(c), 16, 26
and compliance review, 151
building performance codes and standards, 121
performance-based incentives for financial transfers
from national Governments to subnational and local governments, 135
peri-urban (areas), 50, 73, 114(c), 123. See also peri-
urban and rural (areas); urban, peri-urban and rural areas
peri-urban and rural (areas), 50, 96, 114(c). See also urban
and rural (areas); urban, peri-urban and rural areas;
urban-rural (areas)
persons, 12, 65, 107. See also homeless persons; older
persons; persons in vulnerable situations; persons with
crisis-affected, 29
internally displaced, 20, 28, 42, 57
persons in vulnerable situations
and road safety, 113
and violence, 39
and water and sanitation, 119
persons with disabilities
and capacity development, 148, 155
and discrimination, 20
and employment, 57
and housing policies, 31
and ICT policies, 156
and participation, 42, 48
and physical and social infrastructure, 34, 36
and revenue base, 134
and road safety, 113
protection of, 16, 26
planning, 41, 117, 129. See also urban planning; urban
and territorial planning
age and gender responsive, 13(f)
and national, subnational and local housing policies, 31
and risk, 78
and urban renewal, 52
family, 34
financial, 151
food system, 51
freight, 114(d)
infrastructure, 113
integrated, 94
land use, 114(c)
medium-to long-term adaptation planning process, 80
mobility, 114(c)
participatory, 81, 105
planning guidelines, 153
planning instruments, 50, 124
planning regulations, 111
spatial, 77
strategic, 83
plans, 94
adaptation, 80
age-and gender-responsive, 77
city-region and metropolitan, 96
climate change adaptation and mitigation, 143
community energy, 121
disaster risk reduction and response, 101
integrated development, 86
master, 124
transport and mobility, 114, 117
urban and territorial development, 95, 114, 119, 124
urban development, 15(c)(ii)
digital, 156
for consultation and cooperation, 92
for the New Urban Agenda follow up and review at local
level, 163
for the New Urban Agenda implementation progress
report inputs gathering, 167
for participation, 41
open, user-friendly and participatory data, 160
pluralism, 40. See also tolerance
policy/ies. See also housing policies; urban policies
and capacity development, 81
climate change adaptation and mitigation, 143
coastal management, 124
development, 25, 124
food security and agriculture, 123
gains-related fiscal, 137
ICT policies and e-government strategies, 156
land, 105
land-use, 104
migration, 28
mobility, 88, 116
national urban, 89
on multi-stakeholder partnerships, 153
on subnational and local government revenue
collection, 134
policy frameworks, 81, 89, 117
public, 132, 147
public procurement, 121
public security and crime and violence prevention, 103
resilience, 77, 80
science-policy interfaces, 157
science-policy interface practices, 149
sectoral, 88
territorial development, 95
urban and territorial, 38, 92
policy makers, 89, 152. See also governments;
pollutants. See also pollution
climate, 71
pollution, 63, 118. See also pollutants
air, 54, 64, 65, 119
marine, 74
polycentrism, 51, 98
polycentric territorial development policies, 95
pooled financing mechanisms, 139. See also finance
poor/the poorest, 54, 57. See also low-income groups;
and food security, 123
and the informal economy, 59
and transit oriented development, 114(b)
countries, 145
local revenues and poor households, 134
solidarity for the poor, 126
population/s. See also people; programmes; Programme of
Action of the International Conference on Population
and Development
ageing, 62
densities, 52
local, 144
movement of, 28
quality of life, 62
registers, 159
urban, 2, 62
post-disaster recovery, 78. See also recovery
poverty. See also low-income groups; poor/the poorest
dimensions of, 5, 14(a), 25, 63
ending, 5, 14(a), 63
eradicating, 25
extreme, 14(a), 25
forms of, 3, 5, 14(a), 25, 63
persistence of, 3
practices, 17. See also best practices; professionals
and the transition to the formal economy, 59
harmful practices against women and girls, 39
science-policy interface, 149
spatial development, 72
practitioners, 1
networks of, 149
President of the General Assembly, 173
conflict, 109
of crime and violence, 103
of injuries and diseases, 113
of slums and informal settlements formation, 109
“build back better” principles, 78
for a New Urban Agenda, 14
for housing policies, 106
for integrated urban and territorial planning, 98
for partnerships and cooperation, 126
of common but differentiated responsibilities, 18
of environmental sustainability, 58
of equality and non-discrimination, 89
of International Guidelines on Decentralization and
Strengthening of Local Authorities and the
International Guidelines on Access to Basic Services for All, 85
of International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial
Planning, 93
of the Charter of the United Nations, 12
of the Rio Declaration on Environment and
Development, 18
individual, 116
privacy rights, 158
private investment/s, 53, 132, 133. See also private sector
private sector. See also business; private investment
and coordination of the urban and rural development
strategies and programmes, 82
and funding sources, 141
contributions from, 141
cooperation with, 149
inputs in the report of the implementation of the New
Urban Agenda, 167
invest in affordable and incremental housing, 140
participation of, 1, 48, 139
partnerships, 91, 126
developing and manage basic services and infrastructure, 91
for resilience-building efforts, 139
private space/s, 13(c). See also public space/s; space/s
procurement, 116, 138, 151. See also tendering processes
production, 123. See also consumption and production
consumption and production, 95
co-production, 41, 154
social production of habitat, 31, 46
productivity, 13(d), 14(b), 50
and affordable and sustainable housing, 46
and drivers of cost and resource efficiencies, 44
and high-value-added sectors, 60
and labour force, 56
and youth, 61
major drivers of, 133
sustainable economic, 96
product/s. See also goods
and affordable housing finance, 140
and efficient access, 114(d)
design, 122
professionals, 1, 48, 149. See also practitioners
service delivery, 99
training of, 99
programmes, 80, 81, 143
capacity development, 149, 151, 152, 156
for implementing the New Urban Agenda, 142
for upgrading slums and informal settlements, 107
housing, 108
Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed
Countries for the Decade 2011–2020, 6
Programme of Action of the International Conference
on Population and Development, 6
sustainable urban development, 112
urban and rural development, 82
United Nations, 128
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
(UN-Habitat), 85
Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked
Developing Countries for the Decade 2014–2024, 6
public, 138
registration, 104
rights, 35
value, 53, 137
environmental, 15(ii), 44, 106
legal and social, 59
of traditional expressions of languages, 125
ecosystems' providers of resources, 68
of capacity development, 149
transport and mobility service, 116
and housing, 32
of resources and goods and service provision, 70
public investments, 53, 132, 137
public spaces. See also parks; space/s; street/s
access to, 36
accessible 13(b),37, 53, 67, 100, 109
and affordable housing, 99
and crime and violence, 13(c), 100
and slum upgrading and prevention, 109
as a driver for socio economic development, 53
as a priority for cities and human settlements, 13(b)
as a priority in urban extensions and infill, 97
for all, 99, 100
for cities’ resilience improvement, 67
friendly for families, 13(b)
green, 13(b),37, 53, 67, 109
inclusive, 13(b),37, 53, 67, 109
multifunctional, 37
multipurpose, 67
networks of, 67
open, 67
promotion of, 37
quality, 13(b),37, 53, 67, 109
safe, 13(b),37, 53, 67, 109
well-connected, 67
well-distributed, 67
quality of life, 3, 11, 65. See also living conditions
and financing instruments, 118
and integrated planning, 94
and urban and metropolitan transport schemes, 115
of the urban population, 62
rail. See transport
real estate
market, 152
speculation, 137
race, 42, 104, 157, 159. See also ethnicity
dignified and adequate, 107
recovery. See also post-disaster recovery; restoration
safe material, 76
recycling, 74, 76, 122
refugees, 20, 28, 42, 57. See also migrants; migration
ecosystem, 71
urban, 97
regularization (of tenure), 109
regulations (regulatory)
enforceable, 111
land market, 137
planning, 111
regulatory frameworks, 86, 91, 139
rehabilitation/rehabilitating, 77
and revitalizing urban areas, 38
of water resources, 73
religion, 42
renewable portfolio targets, 121
on the New Urban Agenda implementation
progress, 166, 167, 168, 175
on UN-Habitat assessment, 172, 173
capacity of subnational and local governments, 151
United Nations system wide reporting on sustainable
urban development, 83
research. See also academia; community, scientific and
academic; innovation; institutions, academic; science
and knowledge exchange, 157
and urban economy, 60
institutions, 148, 149
resilience (resilient), 5, 63
and circular economy, 71
and design of spaces, 101
and disasters and climate change, 67
and drivers of cost and resource efficiencies, 44
and environmental sustainability, 14(c)
and environmentally sensitive areas, 68
and natural and human-made hazards, 13(g)
and urban spatial frameworks, 51
build(ing), 78, 79, 80, 139
building codes, 111
of cities and human settlements, 77
resource mobilization. See also financing
for sustainable urban and territorial development, 145
resources. See also natural resources
and access to different multilateral funds, 143
and subnational and local governments, 135
domestic, 132, 145
economic and productive, 14(b)
endogenous, 132
financial, 126, 136
for each level of government, 87
for transport, 68
human, 109
local, 45
proximity of, 70
public, 106, 145
resource efficiency, 13(d), 51, 76, 111
responsible use of, 10
sustainable management of, 71
sustainable use of, 14(c)
to manage critical urban, metropolitan and territorial
concerns, 90
use of, 63
water, 72, 73
to disasters and conflicts, 78
to natural and human-made hazards, 13(g)
responsibility/ies, 125
civic, 156
common but differentiated, 18
extended producer-responsibility schemes, 122
of countries for its own economic and social
development, 131
of local governments, 91
restoration. See also recovery
of architectural monuments, 125
of ecosystem, 71
of buildings’ energy efficiency, 121
of housing stock, 77
of urban areas, 97
returnees, 20. See also migrants; refugees
of food waste, 125
of waste, 74
of water, 73
revenues. See also tax
adequate, 139
endogenous, 132
rights. See also human rights
equal, 12, 13(c), 14(a), 90
of women, 34
privacy, 158
property, 35
Right to Development, 12
Right to the city, 11
Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, 6
principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, 18
risk/s. See also disaster risk reduction
and climate change, 63
assessment, 65, 101
currency, 139
drought, 67
housing stock, 77
maps, 104
mitigation, 145
mitigation mechanisms, 139
risk-based approaches, 78
risk prone areas, 77
transfer mechanisms, 139
road safety. See also motorcycle safety; transport
and mobility and transport infrastructure planning and
design, 113
and pedestrian safety, 113
and urban and metropolitan transports schemes, 115
Decade of Action for Road Safety, 113
rural (areas). See also peri-urban and rural areas; urban-
rural linkages; urban and rural areas; urban, peri-urban
and rural areas
development, 88
of cultural heritage, landscape, infrastructure and
sites, 38, 124
safety. See also road safety, security, violence
and housing, 111
challenge of, 2
in peaceful and pluralistic society, 13(b)
in the event of water-related disasters, 119
of those on vulnerable situations, 119
of women and girls, 119
promoting, 14(a)
strengthening, 40, 50, 99
urban, 103
SAMOA Pathway, 6
sanitation, 13(a), 88, 121. See also services; sewage
equitable and affordable access to, 34, 120
investments in, 119
utilities, 120
savings, 46
school. See also education
child journey to, 113
science. See also academia; community, scientific and
academic; practitioners; research
access to, 126
knowledge exchange on, 150
science-policy interfaces, 149, 157
sea. See also coastal areas; delta; land-sea; oceans; Small
Island Developing States; water
and management, 71
connections, 50
level rise, 64
transport systems, 114
security, 99, 103
of income, 59
of tenure, 14(b), 35, 109
sectors, 32, 50, 79, 101
economic, 46
end-use, 121
high-value-added, 60
segregation. See also discrimination; exclusion
preventing, 33, 107, 108
socioeconomic, 97
spatial, 3, 97
self-build schemes, 107
Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030,
6, 77. See also resilience (resilient)
sense of belonging, 13(b)
services. See also basic services
accessible, 36, 52, 119
adequate, 29
age- and gender-responsive planning of, 13(f)
and disaster risk reduction, 101
and working poor, 59
ecosystem and environmental, 65, 68
energy, 121
health-care, 55
infrastructure, 120
mobility, 116
public, 55, 88, 96
quality, 13(a)
resilient, 30, 77
responsive to the rights and needs of those in
vulnerable situations, 34
transport and mobility, 54, 114(b), 114(d), 116
urban and metropolitan, 156
well-connected, 52
settlements. See also cities and human settlements; slums
and informal settlements
formal and informal settlements, 77
informal settlements, 54
sewage, 119. See also sanitation; services; waste
sex, 104, 157, 159. See also data, reliable disaggregated
data; gender
sexual and reproductive health-care services, 55. See also
health; health care
sexual harassment, 100. See also discrimination; gender;
shelter, 144. See also housing
shocks, 77. See also resilience (resilient)
sidewalks, 37. See also public spaces; street/s
SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway, 6.
See also Small Island Developing States.
sites (cultural and architectural), 38, 125
skills. See also capacity development; training
and jobs, 56
and the working poor, 59
and youths, 61
of women, 155
slum and informal settlement dwellers. See also
inhabitants; local communities
discrimination of, 20
living conditions of, 110
quality of life of, 3
rising number of, 25
slums and informal settlements. See also slum and
informal settlement dwellers
and urban safety, 103
and vulnerability reduction, 77
reduction and prevention of, 109, 110
upgrading of, 77, 97, 107, 109
small and intermediate cities and towns, 95
small and medium-sized enterprises. See business;
cooperatives; enterprises
Small Island Developing States, 19, 64, 114 (c)
smallholder farmers and fishers. See also small-scale
farmers and fishers, 20
small-scale farmers and fishers, 95. See also farmers;
smallholder farmers and fishers
smart-city, 66
smart-grid, 121
social cohesion, 13(b), 25
and diversity, 40
and housing policies, 106
and transport, 50, 115
society/ies. See also civil society
all of society approach to risk prevention, 78
all segments of, 42
and participation, 33
and peaceful coexistence, 40
healthy, 55, 57
heterogenous, 40
multicultural, 40
participatory, 37
pluralistic, 13(b)
solidarity, 58, 126
solutions, 29, 119, 146, 154
accessible data, 92
climate finance infrastructure, 145
cooperative, 107
ecosystem based, 69
environment responsive, 35
nature based, 101,
to housing needs, 112
to climate and disaster risks, 144
urban, 146, 162
space/s. See also public space
design of, 25, 101
multiple use, 98
private, 13(c)
urban, 14(a), 25
and housing, 111
and land, 14(b), 137
of real estate, 137
preventing, 14(b), 111, 137
sprawl (urban). See also slums and informal settlements
containing, 69, 97
preventing of, 52, 69, 97, 98
squares, 37. See also public spaces; streets
stakeholders, 1. See also civil society; General Assembly of
Partners; partnerships
and capacity development, 147
and climate change, 79
and data, 160
and follow-up and review of the New Urban Agenda,
128, 162, 167
and housing policies, 31
and integrated approach to sustainable urbanization,
and land, 104
and local economic development, 47, 48
and participatory planning, 97
and partnerships, 21, 42, 169
and resilience, 77
and the implementation of the New Urban Agenda,
16, 23, 154
and the work of UN-Habitat, 172(c)
and urban governance, 15(c)(ii)
and urban policies, 15(b)
and water resources, 72
standards, 31
and housing, 111
for risk levels, 65
of energy efficiency, 121
states, 84, 128
Small Island Developing States, 19, 64, 114(c)
statistical capacities, 158. See also data
stigmatization, 103. See also discrimination
of food, 123
of water, 73
storms, 64. See also weather
dust and sand storms, 64
active inclusion, 108
disaster risk reduction, 65
e-government, 156
integrated development, 86
national, subnational and local development, 105
of the International Guidelines on Decentralization
and Strengthening of Local Authorities and the International Guidelines on Access to Basic Services for All, 85
planned urban extension, 51
slums and informal settlements prevention, 109
spatial development, 52
urban, 103, 124, 130
urban and rural development, 82
urban and territorial development, 15(c), 158
urban and territorial planning, 88, 93, 99
street/s, 37, 100. See also public spaces; squares
street-level, 100
subnational and local governments. See national,
subnational and local governments; World Assembly of
Local and Regional Governments
and capacity development, 117, 149
and climate change adaptation and mitigation plans,
and expenditure control instruments, 138
and financial planning and management, 151
and financial transfers, 135
and local energy infrastructure, 121
and metropolitan multilevel governance, 90
and revenue base, 134
and stakeholders’ dialogue interface, 42
contributions of, 8, 15(b)
participation of, 1
subnational and local levels. See global, regional, national,
subnational and local levels; national, subnational and
local levels
subsidence, 64. See also hazard/s
subsidiarity, principle of, 89, 105
of energy, 54, 75
of housing, 33, 105, 107, 111
of resources and land, 49
of services, 70
supply chains, 71
sustainability, 2, 63, 95, 111. See also environmental
challenges, 70
fiscal and debt, 143
sustainable development. See also 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development
and businesses, 133
and challenges, 3, 63
and culture, 10
and dimensions of, 24
and poverty, 25
and the role and expertise of UN-Habitat, 165
and urbanization, 4, 5, 9, 15(a), 22
high-level political forum on, 168
Sustainable Development Goals, 6. See also 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development
Goal 11, 9
urban dimension of, 128
sustainable urban and territorial development, 15(a), 148.
See also sustainable urban development
and international public finance, 145
and sustainable economic growth, 43
and the implementation of the New Urban Agenda, 86
sustainable urban development, 132, 150. See also
sustainable urbanization
achieve, 23, 131
and capacity development, 147
and coordination and coherence within the United
Nations system-wide, 83
and cultural heritage, 125
and financing frameworks, 130
and UN-Habitat, 129
commitment to, 9, 22
contribution to, 146
implementation of, 112, 158
participation, 139
potential of, 24
urban policies and legislation for, 15(b)
value generated by, 15(c)(iv)
sustainable urbanization. See also sustainable urban
development; urbanization
goals and targets to, 167
integrated approach to, 82
UN-Habitat as a focal point for sustainable
urbanization and human settlements, 165, 171
system/s. See also transport systems;
administrative, 35
energy, 121
financial, 104, 135
fiscal, 15(c)(iv), 137
food security and nutrition, 95
geospatial information, 156
information and communication, 36
integrated, 15(c)(i)
monitoring, 110
service provision, 119
territorial, 49
urban, 112
waste management, 122
water management, 120
targets, 9, 121, 167. See also Sustainable Development
local, 134
technical capacity, 151. See also technology
technology. See also information and communications
technology/ies; innovation; research; science
and communications networks, 50
and mobility, 116
as means of implementation, 126
in transport and transit systems, 118
in urban and territorial planning, 157
knowledge exchange, 150
leverage innovations in, 94
Technology Facilitation Mechanism, 150
technological tools, 160
technological upgrading, 60
tendering processes. See also procurement
legislative control and public participation in, 138
tenure, 107
collective, 107
plurality of tenure types, 35, 150
rental and other tenure options, 107
security of, 14(b), 35, 109
territorial development. See also urban and territorial
integrated and balanced, 136
integrated, polycentric and balanced, 95
territorial planning. See urban and territorial planning
terrorism, 103
functional, 90, 96
subnational, 136
under foreign occupation, 19
Third International Conference on Financing for
Development. See Addis Ababa Action Agenda.
tolerance, 40
and resources for each level of government, 87
digital, 156
for access to housing options, 107
for designing, planning and managing sustainable
urban development, 129
land-based revenue and financing, 152
of urban management, 137
social, 160
technological, 160
tourism, 60
town/s, 16, 28, 95. See also cities and human settlements;
links across the urban-rural continuum, 95
measures, 84
trade unions, 48. See also employment; work/workers
training. See also capacity development; skills
for service delivery professionals and communities, 99
for urban planners at the national, subnational and
local levels, 102
economic, 46
structural, 13(d)
transit. See also transport; transport infrastructure;
transport systems
mass rapid-transit, 118
transit-oriented development, 114(b)
from informal to formal economy, 13(d), 59
of workers and economic units to the formal
economy, 59
to a circular economy, 71
to higher productivity, 60
transparency. See also accountability
and e-governance, 160
in expenditure control in subnational and local
governments, 138
in finance mechanisms (transparent), 86
in financial planning and management (transparent
and independent oversight), 151
in procurement and regulation of transport and
mobility services, 116
in sustainable management and use of land and
property registration, 104
in systems for financial transfers from national
Governments to subnational and local governments, 135
in the follow up and review of the New Urban Agenda,
161, 162
in the systematic use of multi-stakeholder
partnerships in urban development processes
(transparent policies), 153
of data on spending and resource allocation, 136
transparent monitoring system, 110, 158
transport. See also connectivity; mobility; transport
infrastructure; transport systems
access to, 13(a)
and disabilities, 36
and energy, 121
and food, 123
and needs of all people, 54
and technology, 66
and urban deltas, 68
and urban-rural connectivity, 50
metropolitan, 115, 116, 117
motorized, 114(a)
national urban, 116
non-motorized, 114(a)
planning, 114, 114(c), 117
policies, 116, 123
procurement and regulation, 116
providers, 116
public, 36, 114(a), 121
transport infrastructure, 118. See also transport; transport
and road safety, 113
sustainable and efficient, 54
urban and territorial, 141
transport systems. See also transit; transport; transport
air and rail, 118
integrated, 118
land and sea, 114
mass rapid-transit, 118
resource-efficient, 13(f)
transportation. See transport; transport infrastructure;
transport systems
travel. See also connectivity; mobility; transport
reduction of, 114(c)
demographic, 63
transformative, 2
tuberculosis, 14(a). See also disease/s
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 6, 83, 150.
See also Sustainable Development Goals
follow-up and review, 164, 168
localization of, 9
means of implementation, 127
United Nations, 128
Charter of the United Nations, 12, 84
General Assembly, 168, 174
71st session, 172, 173
72th session, 166, 173
President of the, 173
Resolutions, 170
Second Committee, 173
United Nations Conference on Housing and
Sustainable Urban Development. See Habitat III;
Habitat IV
United Nations Conferences on Human Settlements, 3
United Nations Conference on Sustainable
Development, 6
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change, 6, 79. See also Paris Agreement; climate change
United Nations Human Settlements Programme. See
United Nations system, 165. See also United Nations
and contributions in the follow-up and review of the
New Urban Agenda, 162, 167, 168
and enhancing coordination of urban and rural
development, 82
and system-wide coordination, 83, 168
and the implementation of the New Urban Agenda,
126, 171
UN-Habitat, 128, 167, 173
effectiveness of, 172
evidence-based assessment of, 172
financial capability of, 172(d)
focal point role, 165, 171
governance structure of, 172(b)
Governing Council resolutions, 85, 93
headquarter location of, 170
mandate of, 172(a)
normative knowledge of, 129
report coordination, 167, 168
work of, 172(c)
urban areas. See also peri-urban and rural (areas); urban
and rural (areas), urban, peri-urban and rural (areas);
urban-rural (areas)
and businesses, 133
and food policies, 123
and transport, 116
rehabilitating and revitalizing, 38
renewal, regeneration and retrofitting of, 97
synergies and interactions among, 96
urban and rural (areas), 36, 49, 136. See also urban, peri-
urban and rural areas
urban and rural development, 26, 82. See also urban and
rural (areas)
urban and territorial development. See also sustainable
urban and territorial development; urban and territorial
planning; urban development; urban planning
age- and gender-responsive, 101, 15(c)
and decision-making, 148, 155
integrated plans, 119
urban and territorial planning. See also sustainable urban
and territorial development; urban planning
age- and gender-responsive, 101
and integrated development plans, 119
and integrated food security and nutritional needs, 123
and integrated strategies, 88
and integrated transport and mobility plans, 114 See also mobility; transport
and participatory age-and gender-responsive
approaches, 92
departments, 117
international guidelines, 93
long-term and integrated, 15(c)(iii), 156
principles and strategies for, 93
processes, 72
sound, 65
urban development, 14(c). See also sustainable
challenges, 19
financial conditions for, 132
plans, 15(c)(ii)
potential disruptive impacts of, 124
processes, 137, 153
urban economy/ies
and contribution of the working poor, 59
and urban form, 44
competitive, 56
development, 48
innovative and competitive, 56
support to, 60
sustainable and inclusive, 14(b), 45
vibrant, 40, 45
urban extension, 52. See also infill
and adequate densities and compactness, 69
planned, 51, 97, 98
urban fabric, 32, 52
urban form, 15(c)(iii), 44
urban mobility. See mobility
urban planning, 137. See also planning
capacity for, 102
effective, 160
instruments, 51
strategies, 99
urban policies, 15(b), 15(c)(i), 86, 130. See also policy/ies
national, 89
national consultations on, 149
urban, peri-urban and rural (areas)
and food security, 123
and transport and land-use planning, 114(c)
and water resources, 73
urban-rural (areas). See also urban and rural (areas);
urban, peri-urban and rural (areas)
continuum, 49, 72, 95, 96
interactions, 50
linkages, 28, 71
partnerships, 96
agglomeration benefits of well-planned, 14(b)
as a transformative trend, 2
capture of benefits of, 132
financing, 131
integrated approaches to, 88
opportunities of, 4, 13(d), 27
positive outcomes of, 15(c)(iii)
water and sanitation, 120
capture, 152
chain/s, 49, 58, 71, 95
creation, 125
economic, 53
equal, 13(c)
generated, 15(c)(iv), 137
increments, 152
land, 104, 137, 152
property, 53, 137
value-added, 13(d), 60
Vancouver, 3
Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing
Countries for the Decade 2014-2024, 6
village/s, 16. See also cities and human settlements; rural
areas; town/s
violence. See also crime; discrimination; harassment
against women and girls, 13(c)
and adequate housing, 31
and public spaces, 100
ending all forms of, 14(a), 26
prevention of, 103
urban, 99
without fear of, 39
vulnerability. See also persons in vulnerable situations
and urban safety, 103
to climate, 80
to natural and human-made hazards, 13(g)
to service supply disruptions, 70
walkability, 100, 114(a) (walking). See also accessibility;
mobility; public spaces
waste, 121
and adequate investments, 119
and food security, 123
disposal, 34, 122
management, 74
minimization of, 71
wastewater, 73, 74
water, 13(h), 64
and access to safe and affordable drinking water,
13(a), 34, 119, 120
and conservation and sustainable use of, 73
and food policies, 123
and infrastructure and service provision, 119
and local provision, 70
and sanitation utilities, 120
and sustainable planning and management of
resources, 71, 72, 88
pollution, scarcity and natural hazards, 64
storm water management, 119
waterfront areas, 37. See also public spaces; streets
waterways, 114(c). See also mobility; transport
extreme, 64
well-being, 5, 14(a). See also health
and promotion of walkability and cycling, 100
and public spaces, 37
and urban and territorial planning, 65
women. See also empowerment of women; gender;
gender-responsive; girls; sex; women and girls
and contribution in the informal economy, 59
and effective participation and equal rights, 13(c),
48, 90
and employment, 57
and security of land tenure for, 35
and service provision, 34
and stakeholders’ dialogue interface, 42
young women as agents of change, 61
women and girls. See also children and youth;
empowerment of women; gender; gender-responsive; leadership; sex; youth
and access to information and communication
technologies, 156
and decision-making, 148
and discrimination, 20
and empowerment of, 5, 13(c)
and governance processes, 155
and revenue collection, 134
and road safety, 113
and service provision, 119
and stakeholders’ dialogue interfaces, 42
and violence, 39
wood, 76. See also materials
work/workers, 39. See also employment; trade unions
decent work, 13(c), 29, 56
for all, 14(b), 43, 57
workers, 20, 59
workers’ organizations. See trade unions
World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments, 8,
169. See also local governments
World Cities Day, 169
World Habitat Day, 169
World Health Organization, 55
World Humanitarian Summit, 7
World Summit for Social Development, 6
World Summit on Sustainable Development, 6
(2005) World Summit Outcome, 12
World Urban Campaign, 128
World Urban Forum, 167
youth. See also age; age-responsive; boys; children and
youth; girls; women and girls
and access to education and skills development, 61
and employment, 57, 61
effective participation and collaboration, 48