Intersessional Process
- 2016
- Jun Jun 27 2016
- Jun 08 2016
- Jun 06 2016
- May May 18 2016
- May 16 2016
- Apr Apr 25 2016

Informal Intergovernmental Meetings 27 JUNE – 1 JULY 2016, New York

Informal Intergovernmental Meetings 8-10 June 2016, New York

Informal Hearings with Stakeholder Groups 6-7 June 2016, New York

Informal Intergovernmental Meetings 18-20 May 2016, New York

Informal Hearings with Local Authorities Associations 16-17 May 2016, New York

Open-ended Informal Consultative Meetings
Aligned with the vision for the preparatory process and for the Conference to be carried out in an inclusive, efficient, effective, and improved manner, the General Assembly, in its resolution A/70/210, decided to organize five days of open-ended informal consultative meetings before the submission of the draft outcome in order to provide opportunity for feedback on the conclusions of the Habitat III Policy Units and the Regional and Thematic meetings.
It also invited the Bureau of the Preparatory Committee to convene informal intergovernmental negotiations for three days in May, three days in June, and three days in July. Local Authorities’ associations and stakeholders were invited to participate in two-day informal hearings in May and June.
On 25 to 27 July 2016, the third session of the Preparatory Committee of Habitat III (PrepCom3) was held in Surabaya, Indonesia. Over these three intensive days of negotiations, delegates from member states discussed the draft New Urban Agenda, which led to the Surabaya Draft.
At the Closing Plenary session of PrepCom3 the Preparatory Committee decided to hold informal intergovernmental negotiations led by the co-facilitators in September 2016 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.