• Tuesday 18 Oct 2016
  • Action Plan for the Greener Cities Partnership – Inter-Agency Collaboration to Help Deliver the New Urban Agenda

    One UN Pavilion
    Venue: One UN Pavilion - Room A
    Lead Organizations:
    • United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment),
    • United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).

    This event aims at exploring what constitutes a good urban environmental partnership between UN-Habitat and UNEP. The Greener Cities Partnership, a joint effort between the two United Nations agencies, sets its goal to highlight strategies and action plans to achieve greener, resource efficient and resilient cities and help countries and cities to deliver the New Urban Agenda. Embedded at the core of various urban environment Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the partnership constitutes a good example of effectively bridging efforts in the fields of urban resilience, resource-efficiency, transport, waste, housing and air quality, among others. The event attracts a high-level expert panel including speakers from academia, international organizations, urban planning bodies, as well as representatives from national and municipal governments, supporting the idea of an inter-agency urban environmental partnership through their own experiences, expertise, facts and findings.