10. Light of the Village

The Liter of Light program redesigns solar lighting forfor rural communities and disaster-prone areas. Through their community-based workshops we creates green jobs, teaches manual skills and empowers local communities supporting sustainable energy. The project aims at advocating for solar energy systems and open source technologies and skills locally accessible in order to lessen the expensive costs of access to energy in Quito and in all the regions in need.

Event Name Date and time Location
Kerosene Lamp Workshop 15 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM El Ejido Park
Bottle-on-poles workshop 18 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM El Ejido Park
Indoors Presentation 19 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Bottle on poles workshop 20 Oct 2016 - 11:00 AM El Ejido Park

11. Accessibility Map App

The project promotes a society where everyone can enjoy the city and its public spaces, having access to all its spaces as well as adequate facilities, guaranteeing a good quality of life for people with disabilities. The Accessibility Map APP offers the possibility to share information about the accessibility and usability of places like restaurants, shops, hotels and public facilities among others. The app is helpful for wheelchair users, elderly, parents with strollers, people with dogs’ assistance as well as their family, friends, partners and colleagues enabling everyone to get around the city freely. This service aims at improving social inclusion as a key factor in achieving the SDGs in the cities, which still lack in guaranteeing universal access to people with disabilities.

12. Ruta de la Experiencia

The "Ruta de la Experiencia", is a people-friendly route – which runs from the main Conference venue into the neighborhood la Mariscal – showing to participants from all over the word social and physical interventions improving city’s liveability and creating a platform for networking within professionals and citizens. The walk will pass through physical interventions that enhanced social, economic and cultural development of the area. The project aims at leaving a legacy to the area, giving an input to its transformation from a car-oriented street into a pedestrian and cycling-friendly green zone, creating extra space for local entrepreneurs to improve their business environment and stimulating social cohesion and ownership by actively cooperating with local citizens. The Human Cities Coalition is a public-private partnership of similar-minded Dutch organizations from government, NGOs and business to focus on realizing UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 on sustainable cities and communities

Event Name Date and time Location
Music, food and drinks at street walk 16 Oct 2016 - 06:00 PM Jorge Washington st.
Discovering “ Ruta de la Experiencia”, inauguration event 16 Oct 2016 - 06:45 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
LANDac, indoors dialogue 17 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Dutch Market at street 17 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM Jorge Washington st.
Citizen Run, indoors dialogue 17 Oct 2016 - 05:00 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Music, Food and Drinks at the Street walk 17 Oct 2016 - 06:00 PM Jorge Washington st.
LED Lighting, indoors conference 17 Oct 2016 - 06:15 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Future cities, conference 17 Oct 2016 - 07:30 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Urban movie: Bikes 17 Oct 2016 - 08:00 PM Jorge Washington st.
Placemaking,indoors conference 18 Oct 2016 - 02:45 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Music,Food and drinks 18 Oct 2016 - 06:00 PM Jorge Washington st.
Co-creation,indoors dialogue 18 Oct 2016 - 06:15 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Urban movie: Doing good 18 Oct 2016 - 08:00 PM Jorge Washington st.
Human Cities Coalition presentation 18 Oct 2016 - 08:30 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Dutch Market at street 19 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM Jorge Washington st.
JAM Visual Thinking, indoors dialogue 19 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Music,Food and drinks 19 Oct 2016 - 06:00 PM Jorge Washington st.
Water resilience for cities;conference 19 Oct 2016 - 07:45 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Urban movie:Future cities 19 Oct 2016 - 08:00 PM Jorge Washington st.
Urban Labs 20 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
The Hungry City, indoors dialogue 20 Oct 2016 - 05:15 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St
Music, Food and Drinks 20 Oct 2016 - 06:00 PM Jorge Washington st.
Comments on Global Urban convergence 20 Oct 2016 - 07:30 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Urban movie:Urban design 20 Oct 2016 - 08:00 PM Jorge Washington St.

13. Scenes of Good Living

The project invite organizations, youth movements, students, filmmakers, young artists, citizens between 15 and 24 years old, to attend a workshop of collective production where young people will capture with their own cameras and/or smart phones scenes and images expressing the concept of "Good Living in cities"! The workshop is about finding and reflecting parts of the city and their communities expressing multiculturalism, coexistence, empathy, respect for differences, care for life and all the activities and events happening during the days of HABITAT III in Quito, Ecuador. The last day of the workshop the scenes recorded will be projected on a public wall in the city centre. Once finalized, it will be created a space on Facebook / Instagram / Snapchat to interact with other youth and replicate it in other cities of Latin America. This will also be the legacy of the workshop experience and of what happened in Quito during Habitat III.

Event Name Date and time Location
Filmaking: the city through the lens of the young,practical workshop at street 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Starting from: Fondo de Cultura Economica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St . Making: La Mariscal and La Floresta neighourhoods
Filmaking: the city through the lens of the young 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Starting from: Fondo de Cultura Economica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St . Making: La Mariscal and La Floresta neighourhoods
Filmaking: the city through the lens of the young 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Starting from: Fondo de Cultura Economica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St . Making: La Mariscal and La Floresta neighourhoods
Filmaking: the city through the lens of the young 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Starting from: Fondo de Cultura Economica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St . Making: La Mariscal and La Floresta neighourhoods
The H3 chronicle in images, Video projection 20 Oct 2016 - 05:00 PM Fondo de Cultura Economica Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St

14. Affordable Housing Solutions

The project consists in the construction of a four-floor affordable, sustainable and eco-friendly building, to showcase participants the opportunities of green technology applied to sustainable urban planning.  A team of designers will be on site explaining how the main features are combined to demonstrate how high quality, low-carbon, modular, and affordable housing solution can have a significant positive impact on the future of sustainable development by creating sense of community, improving people’s quality of life and preserving the environment. Modular solutions can address some of the major concerns of decision makers around the world, such as housing shortages and climate change, with the benefit to significantly reduced costs, scalability, and speed of construction. Sharing affordable housing solution is a way to create network and learn from world’s leading urban thinkers and innovators.

Event Name Date and time Location
Project debut-opening session 16 Oct 2016 - 06:00 PM Itchimbia Park
Speeches on housing and community initiatives 19 Oct 2016 - 04:30 PM Itchimbia Park

15. The Bamboo House

The Bamboo House is a permanent exhibition of a bamboo construction in the centre of Quito showing to participants of Habitat III, as well as citizens of Quito, the multiple opportunities of the use of local techniques and materials to build innovative structures creating newer, safer, cleaner and more sustainable urban spaces. The market is plenty of conventional materials and it lacks of standardized local materials, thus examples of sustainable housing initiatives based on local materials are rare. The demonstrative bamboo structure within El Ejido Park will be one of them and will also leave a legacy in the city as the structure will be used after the event by artists and artisans to organize expositions and to protect themselves from rain and sunny days. 

The project is leaded by INBAR, an organization promoting the use of bamboo in construction all over Latin America, and it’s realized with the collaboration of the Bamboo National Roundtable, a platform of individuals, institutions from the public and private sector, producers´ associations, industries and universities and Ecuadorian Ministries.

Event Name Date and time Location
Launch Bamboo House Warming 15 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park, near 6 de Diciembre Ave.
Bamboo Construction System 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park
Bamboo construction system-initiatives presentation 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park,near 6 de Diciembre Ave.
The post Ecuador ‘s earthquake, presentation 17 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM El Ejido Park, near 6 Dic. Ave
Authorities tour 18 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM El Ejido Park near 6 Dic Ave
Constructive Norms for bamboo house,conference 19 Oct 2016 - 05:00 PM El Ejido Park,near 6 Dic Ave
Fun at Bamboo house 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park, near 6 Dic Ave

16. Question Project

This itinerant project, moving through the neighborhoods of La Floresta and La Mariscal, will experiment a critical and innovative methodology of civic participation that aims at proposing new citizens engagement tools and community awareness. It consists in a question-based participatory performance with documentary outcomes designed to promote, visualized, and disseminate collective debates in public spaces, bringing in Quito an experience already appeared forty times across Chile, Brazil, Spain and Germany. Opening debate through the collective act of questioning – instead of posing statements – generates a participatory dynamic and enables the visual recognition of contents generated by citizens’ interaction with the installation and the urban public spaces. The performance delivers a shared experience based on the dialogue between participants and a photographic reportage of the questions staged in Quito. The project is developed by Mil M2, an arts collective based in Santiago, Chile.

Event Name Date and time Location
What do you know about H3? - Street Interaction 15 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM Plaza Foch
Getting a feel of the city core -Street interaction 17 Oct 2016 - 11:00 AM Plaza Gonzales Suarez (Plaza Chica) - Historic Centre
Alameda has the floor-Street interaction 18 Oct 2016 - 11:00 AM Alameda Park
Citizens asking citizens-street interaction 20 Oct 2016 - 11:00 AM El Ejido Park

17. El JapiAwer Event

El JapiAwer is a space that promotes a culture of sustainability through citizens’ participation and engagement. The project consist in a series of open access events that drive conversations about key themes of urban sustainable development in a relaxed environment among a vibrant local community. With the aim of promoting more inclusive and resilient urban systems el JapiAwer drives debates and discussions, inspiring positive action and exchanging ideas among decision makers, academics, entrepreneurs, businessmen, activists and members of civil society. During the Habitat III Conference, el JapiAwer “Cities in crisis” will take place on the 19 October talking about local and sustainable entrepreneurship as a tool to address local economic crises. On the same day – from 12 a.m. to 7 p.m. – a fair will showcase local and sustainable products and projects related to the topic of the discussion. The project will continue in Quito after the Habitat III Conference tackling ideas of interest of the city, nourishing the local multi-stakeholder discussions and driving positive interactions and actions.

Event Name Date and time Location
Cities in crises, dialogue 19 Oct 2016 - 07:00 PM Cafe Democratico Lizardo García St. E7-81 y Diego de Almagro St.

18. Mobile Class E-Waste

The Mobile Class is a project arising citizens’ awareness and training based on a recycling waste management of electronics. The bus will cross the city informing citizens on the impact of the improper disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment WEEE (televisions, computers, cell phones and other) as well as on the importance of reducing the consumption of WEEE and/or their responsible use. The benefits comprehend different aspects: people will be more conscious about consumption, use and decline of these devices, the city will benefit from having recyclers and local authorities who know the ways to prevent disease and pollution and economic benefits can come from precious metals found in WEEE components.

Event Name Date and time Location
No E-Waste Art Exhibition 15 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
E-Waste Anatomy Show - Toxic Elements Demonstration 15 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
Class Opening 15 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
Everyday Learning and Training - Workshop 15 Oct 2016 - 11:30 AM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
E-Waste Innovation Challenge Awards - Exposition and Voting 15 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
No E-Waste Art Exhibition 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St
E-Waste anatomy show-toxic elements demonstration 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
E-Waste Anatomy Show - Toxic Elements Demonstration 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
No E-Waste Art Exhibition 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
Everyday Learning and Training - Workshop 16 Oct 2016 - 11:30 AM El Ejido Park near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
Everyday learning and training-awareness and educational sessions 16 Oct 2016 - 11:30 AM El Ejido Park near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
E-Waste innovation challenge awards Exposition and Voting 16 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM El Ejido Park near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St
Everyday learning and training- awareness and educational sessions 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
E-Waste Anatomy show-toxic elements demonstration 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
No E-Waste Art Exhibition 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
E-Waste innovation challenge awards- Exposition and Voting 17 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM El Ejido Park El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
Everyday learning and training- awareness and educational sessions 17 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM El Ejido Park El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
Everyday learning and training – awareness and educational sessions 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
E-Waste anatomy show-toxic elements demonstration 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
No E-Waste Art Exhibition 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
E-Waste innovation challenge awards Exposition and Voting 18 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM El Ejido Park near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
Everyday learning and training- awareness and educational sessions 18 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
No E-Waste Exhibition Art 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
E-Waste anatomy show-toxic elements demonstration 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
Everyday learning and training- awareness and educational sessions 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
Everyday learning and training- awareness and educational sessions 19 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
E-Waste Innovation challenge awards Exposition and Voting 19 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
No E-Waste Art Exhibition 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park,near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
E-Waste anatomy show-toxic elements demonstration 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
Everyday learning and training- awareness and educational sessions 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.
The E-class is Over 20 Oct 2016 - 05:00 PM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave. and Buenos Aires St.

19. REDiscovering The City

The project includes activities taking place in the El Ejido Park to promote the use of public spaces and the development of alternative sustainable practices in Quito through a series of interventions, of playful and educational nature, to promote coexistence and citizen participation, generating the appropriation of public space within an urban circuit connecting the Conference venue with the city. This proposal claims the public space as a meeting space and citizens as the protagonists of the city. Through the establishment of the New Agenda Urbana the project seeks to renew the global commitment to sustainable development, focusing on creating and strengthening effective citizen participation. The legacy of the intervention will be the promotion of a responsible local community ready to fully enjoy the city and its public spaces.

Event Name Date and time Location
Recreation and Nature Activities 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave.
About environment -Thematic recreation activities 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave.
Citizen engagement,ludic activities 17 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM El Ejido Park, near 10 de Agosto Ave.

20. Youth Building Sustainable Neighbourhoods

The Youth Building Sustainable Neighbourhood project aims at encouraging citizen participation in building sustainable neighbourhoods by concrete actions, creative workshops and tactical planning with the inclusion of the local community, youth and academia. The project showcases a best practices that can be replicated in other neighbourhoods where environmentally sustainable as well as gender friendly policies are strategic in changing urban conditions and meeting citizens’ needs.

Event Name Date and time Location
Brighting city walls, mural painting 19 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM Mercado Santa Clara-Ave.Ulloa La Mariscal
Brightening the city walls, intervention 20 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM Mercado Santa Clara-Ave.Ulloa.

21. Sanshayacu Green House

The project consist in the consensus decision-making, participatory design, and the collaborative construction of a Green House in a local community in Shanshayacu Gully, Quitumbe. Although during the earthquake in April 2016 the Shanshayacu Gully was flooded, the community and the students decided to face the challenge of the project’s reactivation. The aim of the project is to work out a process that will allow communities to reach a common goal autonomously. The project searches not only for an appropriate architectural space, to promote food sovereignty and a good quality of life, but especially wants to show that if groups get organized they can meet great challenges.

Event Name Date and time Location
The Fruits of Collaboration - a Testimony of a Community's Engagement 15 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Video: "The Fruits of Collaboration" 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Video: "The fruits of collaboration" a testimony of a community’s engagement 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Intervention on resilience and community bonding-a glance at distant projects 16 Oct 2016 - 12:00 PM Fondo de Cultura Economica , 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St
Guided tour with the community: process of a shared project 17 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM Meeting point: Interpretation centre at “Parque del Suro”-Quitumbe Address: Condor Nan and Pumapungo St.(parking lot-final stop Quitumbe of the TROLE public transport)
"The fruits of collaboration" a Testimony of a community’s engagement 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Video: "The fruits of collaboration" a Testimony of a community’s engagement 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Seeds of urban agriculture 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Conference 18 Oct 2016 - 10:30 AM Cumbayá Valley, near Parque de los Algarrobos, Chaquiñañ
Video: "The fruits of collaboration" a Testimony of a community’s engagement 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Video: "The fruits of collaboration" a Testimony of a community’s engagement 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Seeds of urban agriculture 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.

22. Bridging Formal [IN]Formal

Bridging Formal [IN]Formal is a joint project of Ecuador and Japan that will showcase examples of architectural micro-interventions to an old house under regeneration process at the edge of the historic center of Quito. The purpose of the intervention is to give sustainable solutions by reusing and recycling construction stocks and to create “built-ecosystem” as a proposal of integrated solutions for both climate change and poverty. During the Habitat III Conference the house will be open to the public and the participants of the Conference. While socio-economic disparity has been widened as well as globalized, the border that separates the rich and the poor or the formal and the informal has been fragmented and scattered inside the city area. Bridging between formal and informal is a great challenge the project is aiming to face with architectural micro-interventions.

Event Name Date and time Location
Old house regeneration, site visit 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM House under Construction “AlBorde”, Los Rios N11-206 St. Y Briceño St.
Old house regeneration-site visit 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM House under Construction “AlBorde”, Los Rios N11-206 St. y Briceño St.
Old house regeneration-site visit 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM House under Construction “AlBorde”, Los Rios N11-206 St. y Briceño St.
Old house regeneration-site visit 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM House under Construction “AlBorde”, Los Rios N11-206 St. y Briceño St.

23. What, My City

The project is designed to bring people together and create a space for them to debate on their desires and needs concerning the city based on their individual interests and experiences. Taking a picture with the Quito skyline is a way to feel and share the sense of the city and also to call for a positive change through engaging people in urban projects. The aim of this project is to empower the citizens of Quito to become engaged citizens who take action to creatively change their city starting from sharing the feeling of ownership of their city’s future.

24. Pop - Ups on Placemaking

Pop-Up Talks on Placemaking are public dialogues for people involving a broad range of urban voices. The talks will highlight the role of the public realm and local placemaking as a key forum and factor in securing cities for all and fostering housing for all. The talks will bring Conference’s key debates into the public spaces of the city. The Pop-up Talks will address impacts, indicators and implementation of public space and placemaking strategies; cross-cutting collaborations between public, private and civil sectors of societies; agile urban leadership and processes of participatory urban governance. Placemaking, urban life and urban livability depend on local contexts and the talks aim at proposing fruitful thoughts both for the local community of Quito and international audience, inciting everybody to act as implementation agents of UN SDG’s and a New Urban Agenda for the Cities We Need.

Event Name Date and time Location
Public Dialogue 18 Oct 2016 - 09:30 AM El Ejido Park, under the Paraboloide.
Public Dialogue 19 Oct 2016 - 09:30 AM El Ejido Park, under the Paraboloide

25. TrackYourCity

TrackYourCity, digitizing transit data aims at collectively building the best digital public transport map. TrackYourCity is a worldwide initiative of volunteers willing to create data where there is none, or is in unusable formats or unavailable to the public. This project empowers citizens to fully make use of open data as well as to become solution providers exercising their right to access knowledge, green energy and public transportation. This first digital and opensource map does not use the crowdsourcing but the community sourcing, through the platform OpenStreetMap encouraging people to own the tool and enhance it. The production and use of Open Data fosters social integration, citizens’ empowerment and democratization of the information while advocating for transparency and accountability of local authorities.

Event Name Date and time Location
Your City Transit Map - Public Presentation 15 Oct 2016 - 11:00 AM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Make your transit city map-Public Presentation 17 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Your city transit map Public Presentation 19 Oct 2016 - 06:45 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.

26. Innovative Urban Furniture

The project consist in a students’ competition to create sustainable solutions and a range of urban furniture. The competition was targeted to innovative university students willing to create solutions for sustainable and functional street furniture that can be easily replicated to be installed among public spaces and create an interaction with people. This competition tested the creativity, innovation and skills of 71 multidisciplinary teams from 7 different universities in the country. The jury consisted of one delegate from the United Nations, the Municipality of Quito, urban planners, a delegate from UNACEM Ecuador and a delegate of the Association of Architects of Pichincha. The main objective of this initiative is to involve citizens in a more sustainable design of cities and at the same time influence the planning of their spaces refining construction techniques. The urban furniture will remain in the urban public spaces as a legacy to the city. The three finalists of the contest, who will be exhibited at the Habitat Village are: Biohor furniture (Carina Vaca, Marilyn Rosero, Michelle Perez and Richard Bolaños); Flexible furniture (Diego Fonseca, Gabriela Vasquez, Carlos and Luis Rivadeneira Masabanda) and Morphology Neo Andino (David Alarcón and Pablo Betancourt). The finalists will be exhibited from October 3, the jury will give its verdict on 11 October.

27. Microsimulation "La Mariscal"

The project creates a new behavior map as a tool in mobility planning for the city of Quito to face common city’s mobility problem like land use and topographical limitations, limited capacity in mass public transport systems, and poor pedestrian environments that are affecting the urban transport system and polluting the streets. The project is based on a proposal of the Metropolitan Urban Planning Institute (IMPU) for improved pedestrian mobility within the neighborhood La Mariscal and enhances public transportation attractiveness. The micro-simulation model will be used to evaluate it and to propose any adjustments that could be recommended.  The simulation will test the software’s needs in representing vehicles’ and pedestrians’ behavior as well as in simulating their interactions and conflicts. Pedestrian and traffic micro-simulation can be used to generate video presentations of the simulated proposals in 3D environments enhancing the public understanding of the IMPU’s proposal.

Event Name Date and time Location
Visualize the change, presentation 18 Oct 2016 - 11:00 AM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Visualize the change, presentation 20 Oct 2016 - 11:00 AM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.

28. Vizcaya Park

The Vizcaya Park is a design developed by the Municipality of Quito for the neighborhood La Floresta. This project aims to provide the district with a high-quality park that will become a familiar space providing leisure and health of neighbors in the area of the city with the lowest average of pro capita green space. Over consolidating approximately 1,000 m2 of green areas and public space, the intervention included the extensions of the sidewalks along the block. The Vizcaya Park bore from the participatory design project #My Street-La Floresta', in order to improve, transform and redistribute the public space of the streets, vehicles and pedestrians. The neighbors supported the recovery of the original features of the neighborhood, in which you could walk in peace and enjoy public space. This project also enhanced neighborhood’s citizens’ participation, mobilization on foot or by bicycle, consolidating the culture of road safety in all areas and decrease traffic accidents.

Event Name Date and time Location
Discussing the transformation process, dialogue at street 18 Oct 2016 - 04:30 PM Barrio La Floresta, Guipuzcoa E14-46 y Mallorca,Edificio QPH-La Floresta

29. Sunlectric Waiting Shed

Sunlectric Waiting Shed is a solar-powered sitting area for people who wait for the buses that provides charging sockets powered by thin and lightweight solar panels not requiring any extra supporting system. Participants and citizens will experience the benefit of using solar energy and of the transformation of a waiting place into a new, lived space in the city. In line with the eco and sustainable design principles the shed is designed with two green walls with less water demanded plants rooted on recycled plastic bottles. The green wall will mitigate the temperature inside the waiting shed, providing extra shading for the space showing how green walls are more than just decorations. This best practice shows how to incorporate sustainable energy in future urban architecture promoting an environment integrated urban habitat.

Event Name Date and time Location
Try the urban furniture of the future 16 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Rio Amazonas Ave. and Jorge Washington St.
Non conventional use of solar energy, symposyum 17 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Rio Amazonas Ave. and Jorge Washington St.
Integrated urban furniture,symposium 18 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Rio Amazonas Ave. and Jorge Washington St.
Thinking flexible 19 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Rio Amazonas Ave. and Jorge Washington St.
Solar Energy in Quito-symposium 20 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Rio Amazonas Ave. and Jorge Washington St.

30. Quito's Environmental Performance

The project gathered information and data over the past six months to monitor Quito’s environmental sustainability. With the addition of a new goal in the Sustainable Development Goals focused on sustainable urban development (SDG11), the need for reliable monitoring data related to environmental performance has never been greater. The project reviews the SDG11 indicators, proposes new criteria for determining the quality of indicators, and demonstrates data collection and analysis approaches using open data and open source software. The ecological footprint of Ecuador is equivalent to one earth, implying that the per-person consumption patterns in Ecuador may be sustainable if scaled to the global population. However, Quito’s ecological footprint exceeds the earth’s carrying capacity. This puts Quito in a unique position to demonstrate how urban and rural areas could relate within a sustainable future. Studying Quito’s environmental performance in this context will hopefully yield lessons applicable in other cities.

Event Name Date and time Location
Global Air Quality Discussion, researchers interaction with citizens 17 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM Julio Andrade Park, Ignacio de Veintimilla St. y Ulpiano Paez St
Assessing the host city environment, results presentation 18 Oct 2016 - 01:30 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Global Air Quality Discussion, researchers interaction with passerbys 20 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM Julio Andrade Park, Ignacio de Veintimilla St. y Ulpiano Paez St

31. Breathe Life

Working with Maskbook.org passers-by can create their own anti-dust mask reflecting their fears and hopes about urban air pollution. Air pollution kills 1 in every 9 people globally. Improving air quality dramatically improves urban livability and health, and reduces climate emissions. Air Quality is a nexus point with multiple benefits enabling more walking and cycling, more energy efficient buildings, and better waste management.  The campaign will raise awareness about the linkages between air pollution, health & climate through digital media, and interactive exhibitions. The project brings together interactive media forms to highlight threats including videos in Spanish, examples of air pollution solutions based Quito, a Breathe Life Selfies booth, and a 3D poster by a the artist Kurt Wenner, illustrating the choices cities face today to achieve healthy urban design. The project is part of the Breathe Life campaign (www.BreatheLife2030.org), launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UNEP-hosted Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) at Habitat III.

32. WeAppHeroes For SDGs

Be an SDG Hero – WeAppHeroes mobile app helps to address the UN Sustainable Development Goals through acts of goodwill between people. It matches those who are looking for help with potential “heroes”, thereby generating trust among strangers and strengthening social cohesion within urban centers. The tool, consisting of a mobile app working with geo-localization, and efficiently connecting people as an additional means to address the SDGs. The project aims to benefit from technology and the sharing economy to contribute to the Agenda 2030 through everyday action. It creates a virtuous circle that aims to improve the social fabric through a new micro-volunteering phenomenon. It has the potential to create new networks of people interested in addressing urban issues in their immediate neighborhood and to connect people for more efficient sharing of resources.

Event Name Date and time Location
Introducing urban heroes- indoors showcase 16 Oct 2016 - 05:00 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion (CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.
Introducing urban heroes- indoors showcase 18 Oct 2016 - 05:00 PM Centro Cultural Benjamin Carrion(CCBC), Ulpiano Paez St. and Jorge Washington St.

33. BYD Electrified Transportation

The electric bus and the five electric cars by BYD are examples of sustainable public transport and will also transport citizens along different routes throughout the Habitat III Village offering a brand new zero emission experience and showing a best practices in reducing pollution transportation. This project brings to Quito the experience of electrifying transportation around the world that was already successful in cities such as Bogota, Shenzhen, London, Hong Kong, New York, improving the quality of life, and promoting the use of electricity that is one of Ecuador’s main energy source, produced in the country by hydroelectric power plants at 94% by the end of the year.

34. Vive Alameda

Vive Alameda worked along with the community in order to identify and evaluate heritage elements within the neighborhood – tangible and intangible – exploring how to transform those elements into tools for urban sustainable development. The results will be shown and shared with Conference’s participants invited to explore the neighborhood discovering the selected elements. With the active collaboration of neighbors and citizens through workshops, interviews, events, and online tools, the project identified ten valuable elements for the community within buildings, monuments, sites, spaces, legends, traditions, stories, and characters. These elements has been further documented, studied, and transformed into tools to strengthen local identity and culture, promoting heritage as an asset for urban socio-economic sustainable development. This pilot replicable project, developed in collaboration with the Metropolitan Institute of Heritage, seeks to empower local communities to decide on what sort of heritage should be preserved and showcased as part of their identity as a community, neighborhood, area or association.

Event Name Date and time Location
10 heritage symbols of Neighborhood pride-street tour 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM La Alameda Neighborhood La Alameda Park, Gran Colombia Ave. and La Alameda neighbourhood
10 heritage symbols of Neighborhood pride-street tour 17 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM La Alameda Neighborhood La Alameda Park, Gran Colombia Ave. and La Alameda neighbourhood
10 heritage symbols of Neighborhood pride-street tour 18 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM La Alameda Neighborhood La Alameda Park, Gran Colombia Ave. and La Alameda neighbourhood
10 heritage symbols of Neighborhood pride-street tour 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM La Alameda Neighborhood, Gran Colombia Ave. and La Alameda neighbourhood
10 heritage symbols of Neighborhood pride-street tour 19 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM La Alameda Neighborhood, Gran Colombia Ave. and La Alameda neighbourhoodLa Alameda Neighborhood, Gran Colombia Ave. and La Alameda neighbourhoodLa Alameda Neighborhood, Gran Colombia Ave. and La Alameda neighbourhood
10 heritage symbols of Neighborhood pride-street tour 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM La Alameda Neighborhood La Alameda Park, Gran Colombia Ave. and La Alameda neighbourhood
Celebrating Solidarity at the Theatre 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM TEATRO CAPITOL (Av. 12 de octubre, entre Ramón Egas y Julio Castro
10 heritage symbols of Neighborhood pride-street tour 20 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM La Alameda Neighborhood La Alameda Park, Gran Colombia Ave. and La Alameda neighbourhood

35. Live Infographic

Live Infographic represents an interactive methodology to promote horizontal governance generation, where the opinions of experts and citizens will be shown together in a unique visual platform during Habitat III. From 3 to 19 of October, organizers will conduct surveys in Quito and worldwide, gathering information to be shared on social media and shown in a dynamic map which allows integrating and contrasting perceptions about the New Urban Agenda worldwide. The project represents an interactive technologically-based methodology to support horizontal governance and to promote the inclusion of citizens’ opinions into the socialization, debate and implementation of the New Urban Agenda.

Event Name Date and time Location
Interactive Map - Real time fluctuations of citizens' opinions 15 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Interactive Map - Real time fluctuations of citizens' opinions 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Interactive map- Real time fluctuations reflecting citizens’opinion 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Interactive map Real time fluctuations reflecting citizens’opinion 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Interactive map- real time fluctuations reflecting citizens’opinion 17 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Interactive map- Real time fluctuations reflecting citizens’opinion 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Real time interactive map Real time fluctuations reflecting citizens’opinion 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Interactive map Real time fluctuations reflecting citizens’opinion 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.

36. I want to swim in my river, The Machangara Beach

The project will set up a beach on the shore of Laguna La Alameda Park, with reference to the main river of Quito: the Machángara River. Like almost all the rivers of the cities, these waters are densely polluted refraining most of the citizens to enjoy again the pleasure to swim its waters. With typical Brazilian parasols and beach chairs, this event will propose playful open public space to the citizens to rescue a long forgotten dream. In addition to this, the place will be equipped with inflatable bubbles that will make experience the water feeling without getting wet, and a projection space with images about the appropriation of urban rivers will be also showcased. This project advocates for the citizens’ appropriation of natural urban and public spaces promoting sustainable urban development with irony and participation.

Event Name Date and time Location
The Recreation of a Lost Paradise 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM La Alameda Park, Gran Colombia Ave. and La Alameda neighborhood
The recreation of a lost paradise-installation of urban beach 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM La Alameda Park, Gran Colombia Ave. and La Alameda neighborhood
The recreation of a lost paradise,installation of a urban beach 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM La Alameda Park, Gran Colombia Ave. and La Alameda neighbourhood

37. Urban Caravan Workshop

The Urban Caravan is a bus to show participants and citizens city’s best urban solutions for then share ideas and findings in a workshop. The Urban Caravan Workshop in Quito will take place on Sunday 15 October in a half-day debate on innovative initiatives for Quito, including youth and women engaging projects, and best local governance experiences. The objective is to create a catalyst for private sector-driven development projects in Quito and eventually start-ups that will promote impactful and sustainable urban development solutions for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and the Agenda 2030. Selected proposals will have the opportunity to apply for a fellowship/seed-funding prize towards tackling an urban challenge in the Quito municipality.

38. The Road to "El Dorado"

Inspired on the Pre-Hispanic legend about a lost city made of gold, which motivated many explores to travel to unknown lands, the project proposes the idea to discover El Dorado neighborhood by identifying urban renewal potential, as well as the “treasures” of the place with a bottom-up approach in urban planning. The exercise of discovering a place is a stimulating mechanism to discuss how to create a more livable space. It also involves recovering local knowledge, economies and diversity as an asset to empower communities to shape their environment. Camino hacia El Dorado is a community-oriented intervention to show achievements at the reach of organized communities. The project aims at opening the neighborhood up to its own residents, and also to both the city of Quito itself and the international participants of Habitat III, by making the neighborhood enjoyable and more attractive.

Event Name Date and time Location
El Dorado Dazzling Walls - Public Space Improvement 15 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM El Consuelo Square (in front of the Medicine School)
The Gold Rush - Competition 15 Oct 2016 - 11:45 AM Solano St. and Luciano Andrade Marín St.
Gilding the Square - Public Space Micro-Renovations 16 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM El Consuelo square (in front of the Medicine School)
Everlasting happiness at “El Dorado”,typical drinks in the neighborhood 17 Oct 2016 - 07:00 PM El Dorado neighbourhood, meeting point: Gran Colombia Ave. and Yaguachi St.
Brave citizens expedition to the golden hill, competition 18 Oct 2016 - 05:00 PM Beginning:Yaguachi y Gran Colombia End: El Consuelo square (Iquique y Luis Sodiro, in front of the Medicine School)

39. Andoteca of The Park

The project consists in building five metal bookshelves inside the Gabriela Mistral Park to be filled at first by the project, and then by citizens that will be free to take and read the books. The idea is to start a book exchange promoting culture and education in public places and providing access for everyone to the books shared by the community. The neighbors are invited to share their favorite books, putting them in the bookshelf correspondent to their genre. All kinds of literature are welcome although the Andoteca is mostly dedicated to children. The Andoteca will be inaugurated on the 16th of October with the presentation of the book “Hábitats justos, diversos y participativos – Contribuciones ciudadanas para solucionar desafíos urbanos” published by FES-ILDIS.

Event Name Date and time Location
Inauguration 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Gabriela Mistral Park, Reina Victoria St. and Luis Cordero St.
Inauguration of a street bookcase 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Gabriela Mistral Park, Reina Victoria St. and Luis Cordero St.
Towards Participative Cities 16 Oct 2016 - 10:30 AM Gabriela Mistral Park, Reina Victoria St. and Luis Cordero St.
Towards participative cities-panel of urban development specialists 16 Oct 2016 - 10:30 AM Gabriela Mistral Park, Reina Victoria St. and Luis Cordero St.
Musical show 16 Oct 2016 - 12:30 PM Gabriela Mistral Park, Reina Victoria St. and Luis Cordero St.
Resilient Cities, panel of specialists 18 Oct 2016 - 06:30 PM Centro de Arte Contemporaneo auditorium
Better gender relations, panel of discussion 19 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Library at Casa de la Cultura

40. Safe Citizen Intervention

This intervention will complement the current municipal efforts to pacify streets in the neighborhood La Floresta having a special focus on increasing citizen participation in the intervention that will be done along Ignacio de Veintimilla Street. The aim is to create a safer street by the use of low-cost materials and resources and as much citizen and neighborhood participation as possible, highlighting the improvements that can be made to achieve safer conditions for road users. The intervention impact on neighbors will be monitored to further improve it in the medium term and eventually keep it permanently as a solution enhancing urban equity, safety, security and participation.

Event Name Date and time Location
"El No lugar" - Street Pacification Intervention 15 Oct 2016 - 08:00 AM Veintimilla St. between 6 Diciembre Ave. and 12 October Ave.
EcoMobility Alliance visits the road pacification 16 Oct 2016 - 02:30 PM Ignacio de Veintimilla Ave., between 6 de Diciembre Ave. and 12 de Octubre Ave
Intervention Impacts, presentation 19 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM Ignacio de Veintimilla Ave., between 6 de Diciembre Ave. and 12 de Octubre Ave

41. Open Air Gallery

The Open Air Gallery aims at promoting inclusive and multidisciplinary public spaces renewal solutions and at raising awareness among different urban communities through art walks and productions. The project takes place at the neighborhood La Mariscal considered a strategic place of the city crossed by both locals and tourists with a great architectural beauty and cultural and historic heritage. The Open Air Gallery is a model of renewal and recovery of urban zones through artistic and cultural activities positioning the neighborhood as a touristic quality zone and at the same time a space lived by artists and citizens of the city. Artistic interventions will follow specific routes – so-called “art walks” - that residents and visitors can visit to learn about the artistic and cultural production generated by the project.

Event Name Date and time Location
Making of Calama’s Mural 16 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM Calama st.
Making of Calama’s mural 16 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Calama St.
Making of Calama’s mural 17 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM Calama St.
Making of Calama’s mural 17 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Calama St.
Making of Calama’s mural 18 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM Calama St
Making of Calama’s mural 18 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Calama St
Making of Calama’s mural 19 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Calama st.
Making of Calama’s mural 20 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM Calama St
Making of Calama’s Mural 20 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Calama St.

42. Urban Design Lab

The Urban Design Lab is a cross-sectorial two-day participatory workshop, which will include a space for dialogue on post-disaster issues and will culminate in a joint exhibition of the results of the workshop and participatory projects. The Urban Design Lab (UDL) are workshops helping Latin America and the Caribbean’s municipalities to design creative solutions in a context of rapid urbanization offering a platform for dialogue between various stakeholder groups, identifying priority thematic areas of action, and helping in generating proposals for participatory urban design. So far, the Urban Design Labs have been implemented in 17 cities in the region, and contributed to the design of urban interventions and the development of planning tools for these cities. During Habitat III the Urban Design Lab in Quito, aims at implementing this specific methodology of participatory design in the Borja Yerovi Square according with the Metropolitan Institute of Urban Planning (IMPU) objective of creating new centralities in Quito and it is being organized in collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Arts (FADA) of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Ecuador (PUCE).

Event Name Date and time Location
UDL Launch - Inauguration of Workshop Space 15 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM Plaza Borja Yerovi, 9 de Octubre Ave
Video: "Gran Horizonte: La Vuelta al Día en 80 Mundos" and Discussion 15 Oct 2016 - 06:00 PM Plaza Borja Yerovi, 9 de Octubre Ave
Open workshop-voluntary participation in general debate 16 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Plaza Borja Yerovi,9 de Octubre Ave
Video showing : Micro Brigadas - Variaciones de una historia 16 Oct 2016 - 06:00 PM Plaza Borja Yerovi, 9 de Octubre Ave
Shaping your dream city at BY Plaza - open workshop 17 Oct 2016 - 04:30 PM Plaza Borja Yerovi, 9 de Octubre Ave.
Video showing: 74 Metros Cuadrados 17 Oct 2016 - 06:00 PM Plaza Borja Yerovi, 9 de Octubre Ave
Production of urban strategy,creative workshop 18 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM Urban design Lab (UDL)
Video: Mumbai: Maximum City Under Pressure 18 Oct 2016 - 06:10 PM Plaza Borja Yerovi9 de Octubre Ave
Feedback on Urban Strategy,workshop 19 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM Plaza Borja Yerovi9 de Octubre Ave
Movie: Centro Histórico de Colón, un proyecto para su conservación, revitalización y la gestión sostenible 19 Oct 2016 - 06:00 PM Plaza Borja Yerovi9 de Octubre Ave
Public exhibition of results 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Plaza Borja Yerovi 9 de Octubre Ave
Closing activities 20 Oct 2016 - 08:00 PM Plaza Borja Yerovi 9 de Octubre Ave

43. Making Neighborhood CUI

It’s a participative project done by from residents for residents. Faced with a very particular urban situation, where public space has lost its role of social cohesion, it seems essential to rethink the city from its base, as a space of freedom where human relations are the sustenance of their identity. It provides an opportunity to create citizenship empowerment and appropriation based on the development of a process. Benefits: •Awareness of gender problem and city rights. •Long term public space improvement. The legacy is people empowerment to look after their interests and needs thus they can improve their quality of life and exercise their right to the city.

Event Name Date and time Location
Your Sporty Neighbourhood: Children Activities and Community Engagement 16 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM Gabriela Mistral Park, near Triana St.
Mural paintings with urban artists 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Calle Lizardo García entre Reina Victoria y Juan León Mera (E6-60)
10 heritage symbols of Neighborhood pride-street tour 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM La Alameda Neighborhood La Alameda Park, Gran Colombia Ave. and La Alameda neighbourhood
Colorful city mural painting 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Calle Lizardo Garcia entre Reina Victoria y Juan Leon Mera (E6-60)
Mural and mobile gardens 19 Oct 2016 - 06:00 PM Calle Triana, mural Salón de Navidad

44. Pop - Up Public Space

The project is a micro-urban intervention/pop-up public space that incorporats temporary urban furniture and a module for public participation with the aim to activate a determined public space and to encourage civic debate about city improvements. The project is based on 2.3x2.3m modules to be combined in many different ways generating public spaces to, relax, read or recreate. It includes different levels of social interaction and dialogues by complementing furniture with a cafe module, structures for projects exhibitions and urban proposals, and computers enabling the access to innovative technological tools, such as Minecraft for participatory design. There will also a model of the neighborhood La Mariscal in order to input discussion on how to improve it. The modules were designed to be located in different spaces of the city and donated to the city of Quito after the Conference.

Event Name Date and time Location
"Urban Lab Movie" - Film Screening 15 Oct 2016 - 06:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Sustainable integration of refugees-experience-based discussion 16 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
The Habitat University-project presentation 16 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM 16:00-17:00 The Habitat University-project presentation Pop-up public space 44 El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Opening session 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Minecraft/ ICT TOOLS SHOWCASE 17 Oct 2016 - 11:00 AM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Fab City project - conference 17 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Viacrucis migrante, conference 17 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Public Space in Nairobi: lessons and experience 17 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Waste and Water: the case of Quito, informative talk 17 Oct 2016 - 05:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Students design competition, experience exposition 17 Oct 2016 - 07:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Minecraft/ICT tools Demonstration 18 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Live street transformation 18 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Quiz by Engajamundo 18 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Propositions for Social Justice and Diversity,presentation 18 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Launch of Public Space framework, presentation 18 Oct 2016 - 06:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Minecraft / ICT tools demonstration 19 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promoción Artistica
Jo’burg city park and zoo,informative presentation 19 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Citizen Participation, presentation of results 19 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Video on community participation 19 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Presentation by Ocupa Tu Calle 19 Oct 2016 - 05:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Urban Lab movie 19 Oct 2016 - 06:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Minecraft/ICT tool demonstration 20 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM El Ejido Park , near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Productive Public Spaces-Conference 20 Oct 2016 - 02:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Minecraft for public space design 20 Oct 2016 - 05:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica
Closing Party 20 Oct 2016 - 06:00 PM El Ejido Park, near Centro de Promocion Artistica

45. Urban Kids Lab: The City and My Rights

Through the Montessori educational methodology and by applying the Fund-Form-Movement (FFM) development model, this project intends to help children to expression their vision of a better city. Though different activities, children will exercise their right to the city also acquiring knowledge and skills.  This methodology promotes the participation of children in the vision of the city they want, giving them a voice on urban issues, and promoting the participation of future citizens by encouraging the fundamentals and human rights as the basis of a healthy coexistence.

Event Name Date and time Location
"How is my city?" children workshop 17 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM El Ejido Park, Centro de Promoción Artística
My ideal city-workshop 17 Oct 2016 - 11:30 AM El Ejido Park, Centro de Promoción Artística
My priorities-workshop 18 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM El Ejido Park, Centro de Promoción Artística
My proposal for a better city-workshop 18 Oct 2016 - 11:30 AM El Ejido Park, Centro de Promoción Artística
Working together 19 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM El Ejido Park, Centro de Promoción Artística
Compromise for change 19 Oct 2016 - 11:30 AM El Ejido Park, Centro de Promoción Artística
Proposals rally-workshop 20 Oct 2016 - 09:00 AM El Ejido Park, Centro de Promoción Artística
The City Changer 20 Oct 2016 - 11:30 AM El Ejido Park, Centro de Promoción Artística

46. The Edible City

The Edible City is a multi-stakeholder initiative aiming at creating bio-culture community gardens and productive public spaces in the neighborhood La Mariscal promoting social cohesion, citizen participation and innovation. The project implements participatory urban agriculture as an engine of social cohesion and a way to promote sustainable development, healthy eating and combating climate change. It includes the using of new knowledge and technologies, as well as ancient cultures and innovative technologies for efficient water management. The public space is a key element of the New Urban Agenda vision and this project is an example of how the Ecuadorian and Latin American cities can advance towards the 11th Sustainable Development Goal by improving public spaces quality and appropriation.

Event Name Date and time Location
Shopping at Urban Farmers Market 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Gabriela Mistral Park near Cristóbal Colón Ave., Juan Rodríguez St.
Shopping at Urban Farmers Market 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Gabriela Mistral Park, Juan Rodríguez St., and Lizardo Garcia st.
Shopping at Urban Farmers 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Gabriela Mistral Park, Juan Rodríguez st. and Lizardo Garcia st
Shopping at Urban Farmers 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Gabriela Mistral Park,Rodrigo de Triana st and Santa Maria st.
Shopping at Urban Farmers 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Gabriela Mistral Park Cristóbal Colón Ave., Juan Rodríguez St.,

47. Espora

Espora is a viral project about a replicable and efficient practical guide in response to social issues and environment. Born from the need to generate a community and solve everyday problems of a sector, neighborhood or street the project is based on community self-management and the commitment of both private and public entities. Implemented in the northern center of Quito, the project is managed by the surrounding collaborative working space shared and created by art, architecture, construction and design studies and factories aiming to disseminate the creative ideas and making them viral also outside the working space. The project will stimulate a process of participation and ownership among neighbors by having periodic neighborhoods meetings to identify and decide how to address collective needs.

Event Name Date and time Location
Painting my street murals 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Rumipamba neighbourhood, Borja 3 Educational Unit, Francisco Hernandez de Giron St. N35/66 and Republica Ave.
Dancing on the street 19 Oct 2016 - 11:00 AM Rumipamba neighbourhood, Borja 3 Educational Unit, Francisco Hernandez de Giron St. N35/66 and Republica Ave.
Espora’s vision presentation 19 Oct 2016 - 12:00 PM Rumipamba neighbourhood, Borja 3 Educational Unit, Francisco Hernandez de Giron St. N35/66 and Republica Ave.
Music at the college 19 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM Rumipamba neighbourhood, Borja 3 Educational Unit, Francisco Hernandez de Giron St. N35/66 and Republica Ave.
Mimes at stage 19 Oct 2016 - 03:00 PM Rumipamba neighbourhood, Borja 3 Educational Unit, Francisco Hernandez de Giron St. N35/66 and Republica Ave.
Artists in action 19 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM Rumipamba neighbourhood, Borja 3 Educational Unit, Francisco Hernandez de Giron St. N35/66 and Republica Ave.
Health point,booth visit 19 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM Rumipamba neighbourhood, Borja 3 Educational Unit, Francisco Hernandez de Giron St. N35/66 and Republica Ave
Food truck,visit 19 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM Rumipamba neighbourhood, Borja 3 Educational Unit, Francisco Hernandez de Giron St. N35/66 and Republica Ave.
Street market, visit 19 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM Rumipamba neighbourhood, Borja 3 Educational Unit, Francisco Hernandez de Giron St. N35/66 and Republica Ave.
Storyteller 19 Oct 2016 - 05:00 PM Rumipamba neighbourhood, Borja 3 Educational Unit, Francisco Hernandez de Giron St. N35/66 and Republica Ave.
“Estampa Quitena” Theatre 19 Oct 2016 - 05:30 PM Rumipamba neighbourhood, Borja 3 Educational Unit, Francisco Hernandez de Giron St. N35/66 and Republica Ave.
Live music 19 Oct 2016 - 07:00 PM Rumipamba neighbourhood, Borja 3 Educational Unit, Francisco Hernandez de Giron St. N35/66 and Republica Ave.
Dinning with your neighbours 19 Oct 2016 - 07:30 PM Rumipamba neighbourhood, Borja 3 Educational Unit, Francisco Hernandez de Giron St. N35/66 and Republica Ave.
Video mapping show 19 Oct 2016 - 08:00 PM Rumipamba neighbourhood, Borja 3 Educational Unit, Francisco Hernandez de Giron St. N35/66 and Republica Ave.
Music with DJ Jose 19 Oct 2016 - 08:00 PM Rumipamba neighbourhood, Borja 3 Educational Unit, Francisco Hernandez de Giron St. N35/66 and Republica Ave.

48. Urban Sustainability Operation La Mariscal (OPUS)

The OPUS La Mariscal proposes an urban makeover of the neighborhood La Mariscal aiming at the building of a community house, using the public spaces more effectively, and creating a center for urban agriculture. Early 2015, the community of La Mariscal started a process for promoting sustainability in the neighborhood by launching integrated activities to ensure prosperity in the neighborhood balancing social, environmental and economic aspect of the neighborhood life continuously validated by the community and external participants by an APP for the monitoring of the process.

Event Name Date and time Location
Your Fingerprint in a Mural 15 Oct 2016 - 07:00 AM Reina Victoria St, Plaza El Quinde
Your Fingerprint in a Mural 15 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM Reina Victoria st,Plaza El Quinde
Your Fingerprint in a Mural 16 Oct 2016 - 07:00 AM Reina Victoria St., Plaza El Quinde
Your fingerprint in a Mural 16 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM Plaza El Quinde, Victoria St
Communitarian urban garden sample, guided tour 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Jorge Washington and Ulpiano Paez
Safer public spaces,indoors presentation 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Baquerizo Moreno st and Reina Victoria
What if we limit vehicles circulation?,public space occupation 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Reina Victoria st entre Calama y Pinto
Art from the people to the people,art exhibition 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Calle Cordero and Juan Leon Mera
Artisanal workshop,live demonstration 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Calle Cordero y Juan León Mera, esquina
Resettlement process at La Mariscal,illustrative presentation 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Foch E6-11 y Reina Victoria. LABORATORIO URBANO
Demonstration of a Community originated model “Geo ciudadano” an app for decision making 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Foch E6-11 y Reina Victoria. LABORATORIO URBANO
Your vision captured in a draw, creative session with an artist 17 Oct 2016 - 01:30 PM Calle Cordero y Juan León Mera, esquina
Habitat development in the Amazonia communities, conference 17 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM Calle Foch E6-12 - Salón de eventos NUHOUSE HOTEL, junto a la Plaza El Quinde
Technology for cities sustainability and governance,solution introduction 17 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM Foch E6-11 y Reina Victoria. LABORATORIO URBANO
"Smart Cities", solution proposal 17 Oct 2016 - 05:00 PM Foch E6-11 y Reina Victoria. LABORATORIO URBANO
Art by the people to the people 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Calle Cordero and Juan Leon Mera
Demonstration of Community originated model “Geo ciudadano” an app for decision making 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM E6-11 y Reina Victoria LABORATORIO URBANO
What if we limit vehicles circulation? 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Reina Victoria st entre Calama y Pinto
Resettlement process at La Mariscal, illustrative presentation 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Foch E6-11 y Reina Victoria. LABORATORIO URBANO
Safer public spaces 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Baquerizo Moreno St and Reina Victoria
Artisanal workshop,live demonstration 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Cordero St and Juan León Mera St
Urban garden 18 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Jorge Washington St and Ulpiano Paez St
Your vision captured in a draw 18 Oct 2016 - 01:30 PM Calle Cordero y Juan León Mera, esquina
Habitat development in the Amazonia communities conference 18 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM Calle Foch E6-12 - Salón de eventos NUHOUSE HOTEL, junto a la Plaza El Quinde
"Smart Cities" 18 Oct 2016 - 05:00 PM Foch E6-11 y Reina Victoria. LABORATORIO URBANO
Urban garden 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Jorge Washington and Ulpiano Paez
Artisanal workshop, live demonstration 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Calle Cordero y Juan León Mera, esquina
Resettlement process at La Mariscal,illustrative presentation 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Foch E6-11 y Reina Victoria. LABORATORIO URBANO
What if we limit vehicles circulation? 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Reina Victoria st entre Calama y Pinto
Safer public spaces, an exemple of public-private collaboration 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Baquerizo Moreno st and Reina Victoria
Community originated model “Geo ciudadano” an app for decision making 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Foch E6-11 y Reina Victoria. LABORATORIO URBANO
Art by the people to the people 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Calle Cordero and Juan Leon Mera
Habitat development in the Amazonia communities, conference 19 Oct 2016 - 04:00 PM Calle Foch E6-12 - Salón de eventos NUHOUSE HOTEL, junto a la Plaza El Quinde
"Smart Cities" 19 Oct 2016 - 05:00 PM Foch E6-11 y Reina Victoria. LABORATORIO URBANO
Art by the people for the people 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Calle Cordero and Juan Leon Mera
Demonstration of Community originated model “Geo ciudadano” an app for decision making 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Foch E6-11 y Reina Victoria. LABORATORIO URBANO
What if we limit vehicles circulation? 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Reina Victoria st entre Calama y Pinto
Resettlement process at La Mariscal, illustrative presentation 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Foch E6-11 y Reina Victoria. LABORATORIO URBANO
Urban garden 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Jorge Washington and Ulpiano Paez
Safer public spaces, an example of public-private collaboration 20 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Baquerizo Moreno st and Reina Victoria
Smart Cities 20 Oct 2016 - 05:00 PM Foch E6-11 y Reina Victoria. LABORATORIO URBANO

49. The Grove at El Tejar

To promote a culture of respect, safe crossings for pedestrians will be implemented including an intervention of urban artists. The Tejar Small Plaza, leaded by the Metropolitan Public Enterprise Mobility and Public Works (EPMMOP), gives the community of the neighborhood the opportunity to re-adjust this important space for the enjoyment of all.

Event Name Date and time Location
Hot chocolate at Tejar,welcoming invitation 18 Oct 2016 - 06:30 PM El Tejar neighbourhood, Mejía St. and Mariscal Sucre St.

50. Interpretation Centre of Urban Agriculture

Dedicated to the recovery and improvement of local streams, rivers, and wildlife, this project proposes workshops and training about urban gardening to implement a self-management community development through the use of the existing natural resources that have been abandoned or neglected. It aims at revalorizing the zone through the recovery of the edge of rivers that create a transition area between natural and urbanized area preserving endemic species and renewing the existing type of soil. The project proposes an architectural structure built with nature compatible and weather adaptable materials. The knowledge of the building methodology will be shared to serve the creation of more economically sustainable projects.

Event Name Date and time Location
Seeds of Urban Agriculture 15 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Kikinta Urban Garden Opens its Doors 15 Oct 2016 - 03:30 PM Cumbayá Valley, near Parque de los Algarrobos, Chaquiñañ
Seeds of Urban Agriculture 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Seeds of urban agriculture 16 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Vegetables Expenditure at Kikinta 16 Oct 2016 - 10:30 AM Cumbayá Valley, near Parque de los Algarrobos, Chaquiñan
Construction process-showcase with Digital Fabrication 16 Oct 2016 - 10:30 AM Cumbayá Valley, near Parque de los Algarrobos, Chaquiñan
Seeds of urban agriculture 17 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
Kikinta’s process, conference 17 Oct 2016 - 10:30 AM Cumbayá Valley, near Parque de los Algarrobos, Chaquiñañ
Community approaches to landscape,conference 17 Oct 2016 - 03:30 PM Cumbayá Valley, near Parque de los Algarrobos, Chaquiñañ
Gardening local know-how, conference 18 Oct 2016 - 03:30 PM Cumbayá Valley, near Parque de los Algarrobos, Chaquiñañ
Seeds of urban agriculture 19 Oct 2016 - 10:00 AM Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), 6 de Diciembre Ave. and Presidente Wilson St.
“From the city to Kikinta”, presentation 19 Oct 2016 - 10:30 AM Cumbayá Valley, near Parque de los Algarrobos, Chaquiñañ
Making the most city economic potential,conference 19 Oct 2016 - 03:30 PM Cumbayá Valley, near Parque de los Algarrobos, Chaquiñañ
Land Art History,conference 20 Oct 2016 - 10:30 AM Cumbayá Valley, near Parque de los Algarrobos, Chaquiñañ

51. Service Design for Urban Innovation

A workshop to present innovative design tools developed to offer a multiplicity of services adapted to the cities specific needs identified through interaction with citizens. The project presents successful experiences in the spheres of commuting, tourism and deprived areas restoration.