• Monday 17 Oct 2016
  • Resultados de la Auditoría Coordinada Sobre la Temática Viviendas Sociales en Nueve Países de Latinoamérica y Caribe

    Side Events
    Venue: R2
    Lead Organization:
    • Organización Latinoamericana Y Del Caribe De Entidades Fiscalizadoras Superiores (olacefs).
    Partner Organizations:
    • Agencia De Cooperación Alemana (GIZ),
    • Arizona State University,
    • School Of Sustainability,
    • Tribunal De Cuentas De La Unión – Brasil,
    • Tribunal De Cuentas De La Unión ‐ Brasil.

    This event aims to present the results of a coordinated audit conducted by nine Supreme Audit Institutions (Court of Accounts, Clerk’s office) of the following Latin American and Caribbean countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico and Paraguay. The audit objective was to review whether the most economically and/or socially relevant housing programs of each country was according to the standards stated by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (Unece/UN) in the document “Guidelines on Social Housing”. The rules and the results of the programs were reviewed. The reviews have included major steps of the programs, from the beneficiary’s selection process until the mechanisms to guarantee the social inclusion of them, also dealing with aspects related to the integration with other public policies (e.g.: sanitation, public transportation, education, health) and the grade of adoption of sustainability and accessibility criteria by the social housing projects. The good practices identified in these programs will be presented, along with the most common fragilities and the indicated improvements that might be implemented. For these reasons, we invite all policy-makers, public managers, researchers, learners and every one interested to join us.