• Tuesday 18 Oct 2016
  • Housing at the Center: Monitoring and Implementation Strategies for the New Urban Agenda

    Networking Events
    Venue: R6
    Lead Organization:
    • The Government Of Dubai United Arab Emirates.
    Partner Organization:
    • Dubai Real Estate Institute Government Of Dubai(Dubai/UAE) Housing And Urban Development Advisor Urban Development Office Inter-American Development Bank Habitat For Humanity International Society Of City And Regional Planners(ISOCARP) International Real Estate Federation(FIABCI) National Association Of Realtors UNHabitat.

    If we are to tackle the challenges brought on by a rapidly urbanizing global population, housing must be elevated as one of the highest priorities for all levels of governments. Housing is at the center of a vast array of public policy issues. Livelihood opportunities, education, crime reduction, mental health, and poverty alleviation are just a few of the outcomes that depend on having a safe, and adequate place to call home. The Zero Draft of the New Urban Agenda recognizes that “the expansion of adequate and affordable housing is central to achieving inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable cities in a world where rapid urbanization has exacerbated housing shortages”. However, the development and implementation of adequate housing policies, strategies and programs has been hampered by a lack of investment and resources, siloed efforts, and a lack of data. The array of partners and experts at Habitat III should be leveraged to address these issues, and it is essential for these stakeholders to be continuously engaged in monitoring, measuring, and evaluating progress in the housing sector. This event will focus on implementation strategies, monitoring, measuring, and evaluating the commitments to adequate housing for all, aligned with the SDGs and the New Urban Agenda, identifying mechanisms to ensure accountability. The networking event will foster dialogue and debate, and establish a global community of practice comprised of national and local government representatives, civil society, grassroots, academia and the private sector. Arranged by the Government of Dubai (Member of the Habitat III Bureau) and co-leads of Housing Policy Unit 10 (Habitat for Humanity and the Inter-American Development Bank), this event will build on the momentum of Housing Policy Unit 10 to include a wider range of actors, via a community of practice. This community of practice will keep housing at the center of implementation of the New Urban Agenda, continuously improve an integrated housing approach, and measure global advances in adequate housing.