• Monday 17 Oct 2016
  • Enhancing National and Regional Urban Policy and Planning Frameworks for Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Human Settlements

    Networking Events
    Venue: R5
    Lead Organization:
    • Ministry Of Land Infrastructure Transport And Tourism Government Of Japan.
    Partner Organizations:
    • India Japan International Cooperation Agency Yokohama City,
    • OECD Coordinator Of Urban Planning And Design Branch,
    • Public Governance And Territorial Development,
    • UN Habitat The Commonwealth Association Of Planners National Institute Of Urban Affairs.

    Recognizing the realities of continuing rapid urbanization, which is one of the twenty-first century’s most transformative trends, urban policy and planning now embraces a scope that reaches beyond the traditional city-scale. In order to answer the challenges of such urbanization and to capitalize on its opportunities, territorial plans including city-region plans must address wide ranging questions, all of which require a higher level of vertical and horizontal coordination of urban policies. In this reality, it is necessary for Member States to enhance their mechanisms of coordination in establishing and implementing territorial plans with support of international organizations and other stakeholders.
    The session will discuss key tools for the implementation of transformative NUPs that can aid with the implementation of the New Urban Agenda, including the development of the National and Regional Spatial Strategies (NSS/RSS) , the IG-UTP, and OECD Urban Policy Reviews. This will be followed by the presentation of experiences with NUP development and the use of other key tools by representatives from Member States, including Least Developed Countries.