• Thursday 20 Oct 2016
  • Research impact on sustainable urban policy

    Networking Events
    Venue: R3
    Lead Organization:
    • Enda Tiers Monde.
    Partner Organization:
    • African Urban Research Initiative West Africa Senegalese National Committee Of H III.

    Objective: For sustainable urban development policies and inclusive human settlement to reconsider the urban paradigm: Embracing the urbanization on all the levels of the human settlements, more suitable policies can include the urbanization through physical space, fill the zones urban, per-urban and rural, and help the governments to take up the challenges thanks to a policy of national and local development. The integration of equity on the agenda of development. Equity becomes a question of social justice, ensures the access to the public sphere, extends the possibilities and increases the communes. To support the National City planning and urban expansion envisaged. To decide how the relevant objectives of durable development will be dealt with by the durable urbanization. Alignment and reinforcement of institutional arrangements with the basic results Habitat III, in order to ensure the effective execution of the new urban diary. Challenges : are enormous and decline them as it follows Transformer power of the urbanization: the urbanization is a challenge without precedent. Perhaps about the middle of the century four people out of five live in the cities. The urbanization and the development are inextricably dependent and it is necessary to find a means of ensuring the perenniality of the growth. The urbanization had become a driving force and a source of development with the capacity to change and improve the life. The Conference Habitat III has the capacity to convene to bring together all the actors to achieve these goals. The solutions for the complex challenge of the urbanization cannot be found by joining together the States members, the multilateral organizations, the local governments, the private sector and the civil company. Means of implementation of the program: They act of the urban rules and payments. The results in terms of quality of an urban establishment depend on the unit on the rules and payments and its implementation. The suitable urbanization requires the rule of the law. It includes planning and the urban development. Establishing the adequate supply of common goods, including the opened streets and spaces, with an effective model of the constructible pieces. Reinforcing municipal finances. For a good management and the maintenance of the city, the local tax systems should redistribute the parts of the generated urban value. To take into account: The development of the national urban policies is essential. Those establish a bond between the dynamics of the urbanization and the total process of national development. The cities occupy today only approximately 2% only of the total surface, however they generate: 70% of economy (GDP); more than 60% of the consumption of world energy; 70% of the gas emissions for purpose of greenhouse; 70% of the production of waste. Discussions in networks: Recall and a taking into account of other former engagements and especially the maintenance of the approach bases on the human rights. That in good even as the New Urban Diary is based on the concept of whole communalization, nevertheless that the rate of urbanization remains still weak in the areas of Africa and Asia. And the relationship between urban development E rural development with the pressing need for correctly nourishing the increasing urban populations of agriculture remains eligible. Communalization although concerning the villages, the points of law a decent and durable housing are far from being solved and the violations of the human rights appear by the many abandonments/outside and monopolization of the grounds in Africa and elsewhere. To reconsider the city and the urbanization like engines of the inclusive growth and prosperity: The conference Habitat II, held in Istanbul in 1996, anchor certain ideas with matter of the urbanization and the development which strongly influenced the Objectives of the millennium for development (OMD). Those rise from a design of the city as a given geographical site where the interventions developmental can be operated. The city was perceived like a strategic site of the economy in the process of universalization, but the stress was laid on its role of demographic center of growth and, as a private individual, on the appearance of the new megalopolis of the world, and their challenges. In this context, one regarded urban immigration as a negative counterpart of the urbanization, which had very quickly to be attached.
    Les objectifs de développement durable (ODD) qui sont actuellement en cours révèlent une évolution de perception: la ville n'est plus comprise en tant que « site » ou « centre », mais comme un vecteur ou un moteur de changement en soi. Le développement durable de la ville est désormais considéré comme le sésame du développement tout court. Cette position souligne le pouvoir transformateur de l'urbanisation (en tant que processus) et ses conséquences pour les interactions entre la ville et la campagne, ainsi que les enjeux environnementaux à long terme (p. ex. extraction des ressources, consommation énergétique, production de déchets). Promouvoir la résilience urbaine : La « résilience » est un concept originaire de l'écologie dans les années soixante et soixante-dix. Au début, il faisait référence à la capacité d'un système naturel d'assimiler les perturbations et de s'en remettre. Entre-temps, le concept s'est élargi pour inclure les dimensions sociales et économiques des systèmes, en se focalisant sur la capacité d'un système à s'adapter et à se transformer en réaction à des stress progressifs et les chocs soudains. La notion contemporaine de résilience met en avant les interconnexions et interactions dynamiques entre les systèmes complexes sociaux et écologiques, qui se produisent à des échelles différentes. Ces systèmes complexes sont dans un état d'évolution constante, où l'interaction dynamique des éléments crée les boucles de rétroaction directes et indirectes. Des tendances nouvelles, même surprenantes, pourraient émerger de ces interactions et de leurs répercussions, de sorte qu'il est difficile de prévoir le comportement futur du système. De ce point de vue, la résilience est un processus de réajustement, plutôt que la description d'un résultat; il s'agit d'un cycle adaptatif. De nombreux cycles pourraient interagir dans un seul système, à différentes échelles et sur des périodes différentes. "Ten-year implementation plan. Such dialogue will increase awareness and commitment to harness the advantages of urbanization for inclusive growth and transformation in Africa, and underscore the need for policy makers to priorities urbanization accordingly. This is especially important to enhance awareness of the New Urban Agenda among Africa’s policy makers and ensure that the implementation of the New Urban Agenda is considered as Africa puts in place measures to achieve its outlined objectives and goals as laid out in the Agenda 2063. Objectives;  Promote a deeper understanding of the role of urbanization and the New Urban Agenda in advancing Africa’s priorities of inclusive growth and transformation in line with Agenda 2063.  Provide a platform for dialogue on Africa’s priorities for the New Urban Agenda and linkages with regional and national issues, opportunities and challenges, drawing on the Abuja Declaration on Habitat III.  Identify strategies, potential partnerships and opportunities for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda in Africa. Identify key principles for enhancing and aligning national development planning, coordinated urbanisation and means for achieving structural transformation.